The activity of the Carabinieri TPC Unit of Monza in 2023

ROME – The Carabinieri TPC Unit of Monza carried out intense activity during 2023, demonstrating an constant commitment to the protection of Italian cultural heritage. Here is a detailed overview of the operations conducted and the results achieved.

Investigative results

During 2023, the Monza TPC Core has 74 people were released into custody for various crimes related to cultural heritageAnd. Among these, 37 people were accused of receiving stolen goods, 6 of theft, 3 of clandestine excavation, 5 of damage, 1 of illicit export of cultural goods, 15 for crimes against the landscape, 4 for criminal association and 16 for counterfeiting of works of art. They were 15,923 antiquarian, archival and book items seized, 555 archaeological items and 590 paleontological finds.

Preventive activity

In addition to the repressive activity, the Monza TPC Unit carried out 25 inspections to verify the security status of museums, libraries and archives, 37 inspections in archaeological areas, 142 checks in areas protected by landscape and monumental restrictions, e 211 checks on antique and commercial businesses.

Collaborations and synergies

The success of the operations of the Monza TPC Unit is also due to collaboration with other departments of the Carabinieri, the Superintendencies, the Dioceses, archives and art foundations. Cooperation with local and international authorities was also fundamental to combat crimes against cultural heritage.

Market control

The constant control of the antiques market, both physical and onlineand, led to the photographic assessment of over 2,317 cultural assets. This was possible thanks to LEONARDO databasethe largest in the world for illicitly stolen cultural assets, which represents a fundamental investigative tool.

Educational activity

The Monza TPC Unit participated in 18 meetings with students from Lombardy schools to promote the “Culture of legality“. Furthermore, two meetings were organized at the Accademia Carrara in Bergamo and the Santa Giulia Museum in Brescia, on the occasion of “Bergamo Brescia Capital of Culture 2023”, to raise citizens’ awareness of the importance of protecting cultural heritage.

International interventions

Monza TPC Nucleus staff have participated in international projects in Jordan, Lebanon and Mexico, to raise awareness about the protection of cultural heritage. Among these, the project “Protect Heritage” in Lebanon and the project in Jordan as part of the European twinning for environmental protection and tourism. And again there participation in the “Blue Helmets of Culture” task force for the recovery and safety of book and archive assets affected by natural disasters.

Significant events

Return of the painting to the Parish of San Bernardo in Lainate

One of the most significant events was the return to the Parish of San Bernardo di Lainate (MI) of a painting stolen over twenty years ago. The painting, depicting the Lamentation over the dead Christwas found thanks to checks on e-commerce sites and comparisons with the database of illicitly stolen cultural assets.

Return of ancient coins to Greece

Another important recovery was the return of five ancient coins to the Greek Ambassador to Italy. The coins, dating back to between the 5th and 1st centuries BCwere identified during checks on e-commerce sites and represent precious evidence of the culture and economy of the ancient Greek world.

Return of archaeological finds in Cremona

The TPC Unit of Monza has also returned to the State, through the Superintendence of Cremona, over a thousand archaeological finds and cultural assets seized during checks at markets and antiques fairs. Among these, numerous ceramic, lead and bronze artefacts, dating back to different historical eras.

Return of a gargoyle to the Milan Cathedral

Finally, it was returned to the Milan Cathedral gargoyle depicting a winged dragon, fallen during the bombings of 1943. The gargoyle it had been illicitly exported and sold abroad, but was recovered thanks to the international collaboration coordinated by EUROJUST.

Carabinieri Cultural Heritage Protection Command

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