Caserta, nightlife in the historic center between chaos and decay: «Regulations are needed»

Caserta, nightlife in the historic center between chaos and decay: «Regulations are needed»
Caserta, nightlife in the historic center between chaos and decay: «Regulations are needed»

THEL judicial earthquake that hit the Municipality risks slowing it down further bureaucratic machine And administrative. And therefore also the approval of the new regulation against bad movement expected in the city for a long time. This is what the residents of the historic center fear, who again this weekend say they have had to deal with inconvenience, annoying noises, sleep disturbances and extraordinary cleaning of the access doors to their homes. They were of no use phone calls to the policenor the recall to commercial activities that continued to play music above the permitted decibels until three o’clock.

«We have been asking for targeted interventions for years – he reports Rosy Di Costanzo, president of the residents’ committee – and nothing has ever changed. Let alone now. In the aftermath of the arrests and investigations of the Power of attorney of Santa Maria Capua Vetere, the problems linked to bad nightlife will even slip into oblivion. However, the judicial events do not stop the inconveniences experienced by a large portion of citizens who continue to suffer because over the years the institutions have never intervened to regulate the nightlife and restore respect for public peace. We hope that the famous regulation announced by the administration municipality is truly balanced and therefore commensurate with the nuisance caused by the premises to the residents and which can restore liveability for all. But this will hardly happen if the fines continue to be as low as they are today. Furthermore, we are also skeptical about the timing. Knowing the biblical times of politics, the widespread fear is that we will be forced to spend an entire summer with the usual problems».


Finally a passage on the conditions hygienichealthcare of the streets after the wild nightlife: «Every weekend – he concludes By Costanzowhich represents the families of via Maielli, largo Sant’Elena, piazza Gramsci, via Sant’Agostino, via Mazzini, via Ferrante, via Mazzocchi, piazza Dante, via Gasparri, corso Trieste, via Vico and piazza Correra – we are also forced to deal with many uncivilized customers who do their business in the street and vomit in the alleys of Via Ferrante, places where usually the sweeper of the company that deals with urban hygiene does not enter and therefore citizens every Saturday and Sunday morning have to “arm” themselves with pumps and bleach and provide alone in cleaning doors and doors for protect your own and public health”.


In the meantime, reassurances on the regulation arrive from the vice mayor and councilor for events, Emiliano Casale, who, despite the legal events that have affected him – he is under investigation at large – is continuing to work. «The administrative machine does not stop – guarantees – and the process for changes to the regulation, relating to the regulation of the production activities sector, continues. We plan to bring the document to the city council immediately after the ratification of the final budget. In fact, we have completed the necessary observation phase so that the regulation can be balanced and respectful of all parties involved. The changes made to the text actually take into account the legitimate needs of residents and at the same time the requests of public businesses that operate in compliance with the rules because it is right to punish transgressors but it is necessary to protect those who work honestly. As known, we preferred to renounce the instrument of the union ordinance because we fear it would have exposed the organization to many disputes.” The regulation will now have to be examined by the appointed commissions and then included on the agenda of the next Council.


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