another 450 thousand euros arrive from the Municipality

ANCONA The Borgo Pio area sees the finish line. To close the worksite infinite that will give new light to Arches, the Municipality has allocated 450 thousand euros, money that will be used by Erap to complete the Social Lab project, including the new neighborhood gym and the building intended to house public housing. The funds were guaranteed with a council resolution approved in recent days. The amount will be used to unlock some work excluded from the initial contract, which has a value of 2.6 million euros.

The interventions

The extent of the interventions to be covered emerged during a joint inspection in which both the Municipality and Erap, the body that is coordinating the Aud Archi-Città project, participated. These are works, as stated in the council document, «necessary for the purposes of full functionalization of the buildings and external spaces subject to redevelopment».

The investment will cover the cost of building the lift, the external covering of the gym, the installation of the photovoltaic system, the supply of the sunshade and the shelters for the sports structure which will be built right next to the public housing building. The sum of 450 thousand euros «has been identified as the maximum contribution made available to the Municipality of Ancona to cover the works in question, which can no longer be achieved through the economies of the contract due to the general increase in the cost of construction materials which has occurred in the meantime and has involved all public construction sites financed and designed before 2020″.

The initial project

The initial project, financed by state funds and Erap’s own funds, should have been completed at least two years ago. The works should have lasted 540 days to be completed by March 3, 2022. The date has been postponed several times. Now, the goal is to close the construction site by September 30, 2024.

The entire Aud project saw five directions of intervention to transform the neighborhood, including the creation of an integrated service center, which will have to be housed in the buildings and restored spaces, and the redevelopment of the Rupe urban park. As regards the Erap building, however, it will have a surface area of ​​550 m2 divided into six residential units distributed over two floors. The gym will cover 1,100 m2 and will be able to host basketball and volleyball training sessions. Furthermore, it will also be able to offer spaces equipped for physical activity for disadvantaged categories of people, including users of the Social Lab, a building built on the ashes of the building that once housed the H Center and the Archi Vivi association.


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Adriatic Courier

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