«How much beauty remains off limits». While waiting for the meeting with the new mayor, they anticipate some of their requests

«How much beauty remains off limits». While waiting for the meeting with the new mayor, they anticipate some of their requests
«How much beauty remains off limits». While waiting for the meeting with the new mayor, they anticipate some of their requests
PESARO – The Capital of Culture is among the priorities of Andrea Biancani who announced meetings this week with tourist guides coordinated by Luigi Fazzi. Already during the election campaign, numerous appeals addressed to the future Administration came from hoteliers and tourist guides to guarantee museums that were always open but also extraordinary openings of other places of culture, which have not been accessible for some time, if not always.

A necessity for tourism operators who also have to deal with the forced closures of cultural spaces and containers following ongoing construction works: from the Rossini Conservatory, including the external garden where the composer’s sculpture is located, to a portion of the building Toschi Mosca up to the Pedrotti Auditorium and the more recent closure of the Church of the Annunziata

The proposals

«We have a series of requests for improvement for the museum offer – explains Fazzi – which we guides would like to bring to the attention of the mayor Andrea Biancani and Daniele Vimini. It must be said that the most important flows of visitors linked to cultural tourism for us are concentrated in the months of March, May, September and October, therefore the benefit of this impulse of openings also at lunch time or extraordinary on some days, we’ll see in the final phase of the season. In the meeting with the mayor we would also like to address other issues on other places of culture, so far only partially usable for visits if not inaccessible. At this moment visiting from Pesaro to Fano up to Urbino and Gradara there are various groups who from today will be able to enjoy the new opening hours, even if we believe that this provision must find continuity beyond September 15th, and for some places in particular, for all autumn. In fact, it is important that there is structured planning upstream.

The news

«The Rossini Theatre? We will ask that it be included among the structures subject to guided tours, outside the Rof period”. Maddalena Paolini, a local tourist guide, also says she is in favor of openings, especially in the evening. «In this period, as we know, during the day, especially on weekends, the museums are less frequented, while for tourists having the possibility of visiting Palazzo Mosca, Casa Rossini and the Oliveriano Museum from 9pm to 11pm is a nice opportunity, especially if let’s consider on Tuesday and Wednesday the many initiatives in the historic centre, from San Pietrino to Piazzetta Mosca to Via Passeri. What is missing, despite the fact that there are so many groups of tourists, including foreign ones, who continually request it, is a visit to the Rossini Theatre. And let’s not forget that in addition to the public places of culture, the offer has also been enriched thanks to the guided tours of Palazzo Perticari, from July on Tuesdays and Thursdays and we are already fully booked”. «Excellent intuition for the summer period – also comments the guide Patrizia Bucci – but in my opinion by continuing this programming throughout September and then starting ahead of schedule in the 2025 season, in spring during the peak period of school trips. I would then add that we are already planning for an evening opening on Thursdays, also because in recent months the doubling of flows for guided tours compared to the summer of a year ago is already evident”.

The extensions

Among the places of culture today still of limited use to tourist groups, the guides mention the Domus in via dell’Abbondanza open only on Saturdays and Sundays, the Synagogue, the church in the Name of God, and among the proposals to be presented to the new mayor (since something post-election has already been mentioned) there is a request to make a portion of Rocca Costanza, the Church of Maddalena and some reception rooms of the Conservatory open to visitors.


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Adriatic Courier

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