Grillo points to origins, hypothesis compromise with Conte – News

Tough opposition in Parliament and in the streets, dialogue with other progressive forces but “among equals” and without being dictated to by the Democratic Party, direct commitment in the territories. These are the guidelines that Giuseppe Conte would have identified to relaunch the M5s while awaiting the September constituent assembly in which political line, alliances and the limit of two mandates will be discussed.

To know more Grillo-points-to-origins-hypothesis-comp ANSA Agency Square and programme, the dem leader calls the centre-left – News – Elly Schlein takes charge again. Yes from Avs and +Eu, Calenda slows down but doesn’t close. Conte will be on stage (ANSA)

This last issue still needs to be resolved, also because Beppe Grillo for now remains firmly against the exceptions. The guarantor, who has not said a word in public since the European elections, during his stay in Rome would instead have discussed with his interlocutors the need to start again from participatory democracy and the role of the Municipalities. Invoked by many, he could make himself heard with a post in the next few days. Years ago Grillo himself defined the M5s as a “biodegradable” political force.

And the adjective has become relevant again after the latest electoral defeat which forced the ruling class and the base to question whether and how to move forward. Conte, after having taken the lead of a movement in free fall, in the aftermath of the cold shower that came from the polls, lined up three moves: he said he was ready to take sides; armored by the elected representatives, he launched the autumn constituent assembly; he met the guarantor. But the key issues – of mandates, leadership and alliances – are still to be addressed. If the thermometer of moods between the 5s signals a prevailing intolerance for the limit of two mandates, Grillo’s position is peremptory: the golden rule of the Movement must be maintained.

Certainly the first face to face between him and Conte was not decisive, but according to some rumors – not confirmed by Campo Marzio – in the end a compromise could be reached, counting parliamentary and local experiences in a different way to give way, for example, to who has twice been a parliamentarian to run for mayor. Another lever could be greater involvement in the decision-making sphere of the party, with roles to be defined, the ‘big names’ who have already held political representation roles twice: from Roberto Fico to Virginia Raggi. The former mayor of Rome, who has always been strong in her good relations with Grillo, could make a comeback and there are even those who identify her as a possible new leader of the Movement. It must be said that it is not the first time that the five-star party has been brought into play to revive the fortunes of the Movement but Raggi, after the failed encore in the Capital, was blocked precisely by the limit of two mandates. Nobody opens up about the contents of the meeting between her and Grillo: “It was a nice breakfast”, the only feedback. Separate chapter, alliances. Conte was not quick to respond to the secretary of the Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, who extended her hand by proposing a unitary program for the opposition. Avs and Più Europa did it and even Carlo Calenda did it. Instead, the leader of the M5s (who had already said he was available to intensify the dialogue with the progressive forces) has not expressed himself until now: on Tuesday he will be together with the rest of the opposition in Piazza SS Apostoli. Furthermore, from the Movement’s headquarters they do not rule out the possibility that in the next few days he may start some electoral initiatives in view of the run-offs, in particular in “his” Puglia

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