Holidays in Piedmont, there is a record number of foreign tourists. Favorite destinations? Turin, Langhe and Lake Maggiore

All Piedmont lacks is the sea. For the rest it has everything necessary to establish itself among the richest regions in terms of tourist offer, distinguishing itself for the variety of its territories. From the mountains to the city, from the Langhe to the ancient villages, from its lakes to the hills: a landscape, historical, cultural, food and wine heritage worth 9.5% of the regional GDP with over 6 million arrivals and 16 million presences in 2023. It is above all foreigners who are won over by Piedmont, who today represent 52% of the total presences, exceeding the national average of 48%. The Germans are primarily choosing our region for holidays with a further growth of +10.2% for arrivals and +7.8% for overnight stays. Germany, therefore, in first place, followed by France, Benelux and Switzerland, the United Kingdom, the USA (with an exceptional +35%), Scandinavia and Spain. Tourists for whom overall spending volumes increased by 22.3%, with an estimate of around 810 million euros, arrived in the region only considering on-site transactions with foreign credit cards.

By drawing up a ranking of most loved territories (from foreigners and Italians) in first place stands out precisely that of the capital with Turismo Torino e Provincia which guarantees the podium with over 7 million visitors. «And we expect a double-digit increase in the first months of 2024 – explains the president Maurizio Vitale —. The data from our most recent investigations tell this. Those that encourage us most are related to the post-stay: we have a satisfaction level of up to 91%. A higher percentage than Milan, which stops at 89%. 90% of tourists said they were satisfied, speaking of an excellent experience. And 93% said they wanted to return.” The portrait of a woman is increasingly defined touristic city which is not only art and culture, but also entertainment and sport, starting from ATP Finalswhich in 2023 had an economic impact of over 300 million euros.

Outside the city, however, the key word is outdoor. A common thread that links the whole of Piedmont, from the Langhe to Lake Maggiore. Territories that are rediscovered from a new perspective, on two wheels or via trekking routes. In the ranking of the most visited territories in Piedmont, in second place is placed Lakes Tourist District, with over 4 million attendees. «78% foreign – he explains Francesco Gaiardelli, district president —. In 2023 we closed with almost 2 million in turnover, doubling the numbers from 2019. And, in these four years, outdoor demand has surged. A phenomenon that easily leads us to imagine what the direction for the future will be. It will be necessary to invest more and more in cycle and pedestrian paths, itineraries to be covered by bicycle and services tailored to this tourist demand.”

A tourism that seeks experience, not only through immersion in the landscapes but also through a food and wine offer. Like that of the Tourist Board locations Langhe, Monferrato and Roero, territories in which tourist presences are divided respectively by 54%, 33% and 13%. «Food and wine and outdoors move hand in hand – explains the general director Bruno Bertero —. This is a tourism philosophy that foreigners particularly like. We count a +7.9% of total arrivals, with a significant portion from Austria (22.8%) and North America (19.46%). An international tourist spends an average of 280 euros per day, with an average stay of at least three days.” And then there’s the Piedmontese mountain, with its peaks loved above all by athletes. From the Gran Paradiso Massif to Monviso, high altitude paradises for which demand is growing. For the highest refuge in Europe, Capanna Margherita, you need to wait two years. While the boom also affects the most accessible accommodation facilities for families, with a +9.70% of presences in the Piedmont mountains.

Finally, the new tourism: from the floral one on Lake Maggiore, with the most famous Villa Taranto in Verbania, up to industrial tourism that is starting to take hold throughout Piedmont. «From Turin to Biella, to Ivrea, to Alba, it is a phenomenon that is developing with energy – explains Laura Zegna, president of the Tourism Commission of Confindustria Piemonte -. Started by Museimpresa in 2001, today there is a growing interest on the part of companies of all kinds in telling their historical heritage. And the attention of visitors, including foreigners, is growing. We are not just talking about students but also enthusiasts who wish to get to know industrial realities up close. We want to develop this trend, an opportunity to be seized to expand the tourist offer and enhance Piedmont’s industrial history.”

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