The Academy’s dream. Faenza flies to the final

The Academy’s dream. Faenza flies to the final
The Academy’s dream. Faenza flies to the final

Raggisolaris Academy


JB Stings Curtatone


FAENZA: Bianchi 8, Rosetti, Naccari 19, Garavini 5, Caramella, Ravaioli, Ballarin 12, Ndiaye 9, Bendandi 4, Santandrea 3, Collina, Belmonte 2. Coach: Pio Ass.: Monteventi – Stefanelli

CURTATONE: Diop ne, Trovato ne, Belfanti ne, Mellacca 4, Almeida Pires 3, Mladinovic 16, Peralta 9, Aguirrezabala 3, Bovi ne, Carra ne, Bortolotto 14, Dall’Ora. All.: Romero

Referees: Corso – Cavasin

Note. Partial scores: 23-15; 43-25; 55-31

Faenza masterpiece. The Under 19 Gold of the Raggisolaris Academy wins the final in the Italian category championship and today at 6.30 pm the championship will be played against Stella Azzurra Roma, a match that will be broadcast on the Twitch channel, Italbasketofficial. A result obtained thanks to the excellent team performance which allowed us to overcome a tough opponent like the JB Stings. The Academy’s start to the match is peremptory: in 3′ they reach 10-2, a break also due to their supremacy in rebounding. Curtatone responds and shortens to 10-13, but in a few minutes Faenza takes the lead to 21-12, arriving at the first break ahead 23-15. Thanks to the three-point percentages and defensive aggressiveness, weapons that are also exploited in the second quarter: at halftime the Academy is ahead 43-25. The JB Stings attacked their opponents when they returned to the field, taking a 29-43 lead, but Faenza did not lose clarity and soon overturned the inertia, reaching the maximum advantage (55-30), with a three-point play by Ballarin. The Romagna team lead 55-31 at the end of the third quarter. The Academy reaches 60-34 then has a small drop in tension and finds itself ahead 60-48 without scoring for almost seven minutes, but the large advantage is never questioned.

Luca Del Favero

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