two projects to enhance it. We start from the Seminary park

two projects to enhance it. We start from the Seminary park
two projects to enhance it. We start from the Seminary park

PORDENONE – More than an inspection, it was a walk. But tourism has nothing to do with it in this case. There was more at stake, that is the future of Noncello back in the center of Pordenone. And not only on the days of the festival that bears the same name as the river. Yesterday morning, in fact, the first stone was ideally laid for a new way of interpreting the relationship between Pordenone and its waterway which is also a city symbol. Starting from two key points: the Seminary park And the Vallenoncello landing place.


The scope is that of the new river contract, the large container that will also act as a collector for all the projects that will put (or rather put) the Noncello back at the center of the scene. Yesterday morning, led by municipal councilors Lidia Diomede and Mattia Tirelli, there were various stakeholders, including the CAI, the associations, Pro Pordenone and Puliamo i neighborhoods. A walk, halfway between water and land (the Ponton Boat was also used), to take stock on the most possible projects to be implemented. And they are physically two: one in Vallenoncello and the other in the Seminario park. As regards for example the Vallenoncello area, the idea is to redevelop the old landing place which was used for the delivery and collection of goods in the old days. «The intention – explained the councilor Mattia Tirelli – is to enhance that landing place for canoes and sporting movement which relies precisely on that means of transport”. The second project – more naturalistic – is concentrated in the area of ​​the Seminary park. «A low-intensity redevelopment, which will be based on non-invasive mowing and the planting of native species capable of “kicking out” the invasive ones», added the Environment Councilor.


«Within the nonsel party, the path towards the signing of the end of Noncello contract continues through an operational walk, between water and land, where the individual signatories (about thirty), sailing and walking, had the opportunity to get to know the areas of our river still unknown to then share ideas and proposals – continued Tirelli -. To do all this, the availability of Gaetano Solarino and the Gommonauti association was fundamental for the first part of the excursion in which the issues of navigability and hydraulic defense on the river were addressed, followed by the precious contributions of the agronomist Massimo Menzaghi, who illustrated the project – together with Asfo – of the recovery of a part of the Seminario Park through timely agronomic interventions, and of the Forestry Doctor Davide Pasut, designer of the vegetation redevelopment of the Roggia Vallona and who on this occasion illustrated to the subscribers the tree varieties, native and non-native, present within the Noncello river park. The next appointment will be in Cordenons in July, to draw up the threads and prepare for the drafting of the important end-of-year documents, first of all the strategic document of the Noncello river contract. This is a project that is also aligning along the way with the candidacy project of Pordenone as capital of culture 2027.”


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The Gazzettino

PORDENONE – More than an inspection, it was a walk. But tourism has nothing to do with it in this case. There was more at stake, namely the future of…

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