Center 2 comprehensive institute, the “waltz of the secretariats” is being discussed

Controversy continues to rage on social media and in the chats of parents and teachers. There is concern about the future of their children and about scenarios related to the workplace. «Will my son no longer be able to go to the school he is attending?». “Will the teachers be moved to other complexes?”. These are just some of the questions that families have asked themselves following the possible rumors suppressions of schools in the city.

After the issue related to primary Don Venderwhich could undergo a reduction starting from the year 2025/2026, a new chapter opens made up of fears and anxieties for parents of children who attend schools in theComprehensive institute center 2which includes the elementary schools Tito Speri, Dante Alighieri and Carlo Collodi, and the middle schools Ugo Foscolo and Guglielmo Marconi.

In recent days some families have been informed by a principal that, as part of a school reorganization project, the Municipality has decided to separate the center 2 comprehensive institute for the year 2025/2026: according to rumors, Dante and Foscolo would merge into the north 2 comprehensive institute; while Tito Speri and Marconi could end up under the IC center 3 and Collodi under the IC center 1.


This picture immediately aroused some understandable apprehension, but the municipal councilor for youth policies took care of it Anna Frattini. «We are still in a dialogue phase and we will arrive in September with a formal proposal – explains Frattini -. The hypothesis, which we shared with the manager, provides one redistribution of the plexuses at a management level: this does not mean that parents will move their children from one institution to another. Everyone will continue to go to school where they are enrolled and at most for families the relevant secretariat will change. We are not questioning the structures: nothing will be closed, it is just a question of school management.”

At the basis of the decision is the desire to give a more linear configuration to the schools, which thus respects territorial continuity. «It’s a reasonable choice, that It has absolutely no impact on families – continues Frattini -. We met the neighborhood councils and everyone was in favor.”


In addition to the issue linked to the territory, there is the issue of the many foreign students who attend Calini and Manzoni: could the merging of comprehensive schools also affect this aspect?

«It depends on where a family enrolls their child – specifies the councilor of Palazzo Loggia -: the head teacher doesn’t have much margin to intervene. Of course, the fact that the segregation of foreigners is not good for teaching is a fact: if by creating a single comprehensive institute Let’s facilitate more heterogeneous classes, it’s better for everyone».

However, the mergers could also concern other comprehensive schools in the citynot only those in the historic center, that’s why the Loggia decided to organize three public meetings to present their project and at the same time collect citizens’ requests. The first will be hosted by Carducci on Wednesday 19th at 6pm, then we will move to Bettinzoli on Friday 21st at 6pm and finally on Tuesday 25th at 8.30pm there will be one at Mameli.

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