A new educational alliance between school and family. AIMC President Schettini presents the questionnaire report

A new educational alliance between school and family. AIMC President Schettini presents the questionnaire report
A new educational alliance between school and family. AIMC President Schettini presents the questionnaire report

The educational challenge for schools has always been, and still is, the true battlefield in which the future of future generations is played and decided. Often, however, this battlefield sees the main educational subjects, such as the school and familyboth in the trenches in a world that in just a few years has undergone a change worth an era, and catapults educators and students into a vortex of social, economic and relational transformations that risks breaking the precious teamwork that instead requires challenge of the times.

Because of this the AIMC (Italian Association of Catholic Teachers) of Basilicata prepared a questionnaire which was proposed to a panel of families from 18 institutions, to which 790 families from 14 of the institutions involved responded. The questionnaire report was presented during a meeting held in recent weeks in the ISS “L. Sinisgalli” of Senise, with a simple but eloquent title “Educational Alliance”. They took part in the conference Vitus Charlemagnehead teacher of IC Lagonegro, Pietro Infantino, president of the AIMC section of Lagonegro, e Anna Maria Bianchi, former national secretary of AIMC, for the closure of the works. The opening, entrusted in greetings to Francesco Arbiateacher of the “Sinisgalli” and provincial president of Aimc Potenza.

The questionnaire report was presented by the head teacher of the IIS “Sinigalli” Rosa Schettini, regional president of AIMC Basilicatato whom we asked to speak to us in summary about the picture that emerges from the work carried out, given that those who answered the questions were parents of children and young people between the ages of 3 and 19.

Professor Schettini, where did the idea of ​​administering this questionnaire come from?
The idea was born within the AIMC in order to grasp some problems which must then be explored in depth with other conferences starting next autumn. This method, this choice has demonstrated that the need to share, to dialogue, to face the educational challenge together, to experience and manage educational complexity together emerges.

What is the picture of school that emerges from this report, and what place does it have for families and students?
Families recognize that school has a great educational value for the future of their children. The same goes for students, through their families we have seen how students see school as an opportunity.

What relationship emerges between parents and children in relation to school?
In relation to school, the parent-child bond, from the data that emerge, is a relationship of trust. Of course, the new communication technologies, from what emerges, are barbaric, difficult to manage both by the school and by the families. It’s a common problem.

What difficulties emerge in the relationship between parents and children?
In the relationship between parents and children, the difficulties that emerge are those linked to the fact that parents give more importance to what structures the future, while for children school is certainly important but then social media, clothing and judgment come to the fore. that have peers towards them.

Now, this is a hot topic. What emerges regarding the relationships between children within their peer groups?
Within the peer group it turns out that children have a high regard for what their classmates think more than what their parents, teachers and educators think.

How much time do you use your cell phone and what consequences does it have on children, especially younger ones?
The cell phone has invaded the lives of teenagers and children, and therefore takes time away from sporting activities, recreational activities and being together. New communication technologies enter their lives like barbarians, making their management difficult for both the school and the families.

Ultimately, the “questionnaire” operation, from what emerged from the interventions at the conference, was very successful, as underlined by the head teacher of the IC Lagonegro Vito Carlomagno. “The families – he explained in his speech – expect a lot from the school, as emerges from the questionnaire, and this gives us hope for doing fruitful work with them”. The intervention of the lawyer Infantino was of a more technical-legal nature, while in the conclusions Anna Maria Bianchi highlighted the need for a more direct approach in the relationship between young people and school, launching the idea of ​​a new questionnaire directly aimed at students .

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