Drug dealing in Ipes homes. The Institute revokes the accommodation – Bolzano

Drug dealing in Ipes homes. The Institute revokes the accommodation – Bolzano
Drug dealing in Ipes homes. The Institute revokes the accommodation – Bolzano

BOLZANO. Residents have known this for some time. The noise, the strong smell of marijuana along the staircase and the incessant coming and going of people, especially at night, had cast strong suspicions on an Ipes house in Via Torino. Tired, exasperated and furious, the tenants said “enough”. They had tried to make the tenant understand that the situation was no longer tenable, but asking her in a kind manner didn’t help. So they took the situation into their own hands, individually reporting the daily discomfort with which they were forced to live: dozens of calls, as many emails, to the police offices and the administration of the municipal houses. Finally, on June 4th, the turning point came: Ipes forwarded a request for investigation to the Municipality, which during the day, with some agents, rushed to the reported address.

Upon their arrival the police found themselves faced with five people: in addition to the tenant, in fact, the house was also permanently occupied by four other men. Drugs would have been found inside the house (it is not known how much) as well as some cash, the result of the illicit activity carried out for months. The checks effectively confirmed that the Ipes accommodation was in reality a real drug dealing center in the area. Many have visited us in recent months to obtain various types of narcotic substances. And this explains the constant traffic of people, strangers to the condominium, always towards the same apartment.

Two of the identified people, already known to the Command, were accompanied to the Bolzano Police Headquarters for further investigations. For one of them, the expulsion decree was issued and the successful transfer to a repatriation center. For the other, the police commissioner Paolo Sartori issued a mandatory expulsion order. The tenant, a 38-year-old woman from Bolzano (MS initials), has already been notified of eviction and revocation of her accommodation. She has multiple criminal convictions, with an endless list of criminal records against her, and now she finds herself in prison.

The serious precedent

In addition to drug dealing, the woman was the protagonist of a sensational episode at the beginning of May between via Claudia Augusta and via Santo Rosario where she shattered the windows of six cars to steal from them. She was identified and reached by the police, she admitted the crime, asking not to be reported so as not to repay the damage caused. Having sensed that the prison doors were reopening, the 38-year-old then began to rant at the officers and kick the inside of the company car.

«We happen to deal with cases, fortunately rare, of extreme delicacy, which require, in addition to the activity of Ipes, the direct involvement of social services, law enforcement and healthcare – underlined Francesca Tosolini, president of Ipes -. The primary objective is the protection of the many good people who reside in the accommodation and who, thanks to their reports, which I invite you to continue to do, contribute to the control and monitoring activities of the institute. In several cases, we have undertaken the eviction process which ended with the revocation and removal from the accommodation.”

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