This is how children are saved in hospital

The pediatric Shock Room has been active in the Rovigo emergency room for a few days. From the Triage area where the nursing staff carries out a rapid clinical and anamnestic classification of the little patient, recording the vital parameters and attributing the code related to the severity of the symptoms presented, the child, who was given a red code, has direct access to the shock room and is immediately evaluated by the emergency room doctorby the pediatrician on call, by all the emergency professionals who then proceed with the first diagnostic-therapeutic measures.

The new area dedicated to children (0-6 years) is equipped with a new computerized trolley, which, based on the measurement of the patient’s length, helps professionals to determine body weight very quickly. The new area is equipped with a new computerized pediatric trolley: Ease of access to resuscitation material is a crucial element in being able to provide adequate and timely care to a child. The child’s weight and height are evaluated with the Broselow method, which allows the calculation of the doses of the drugs to be administered. Furthermore, the module is organized by type of intervention: intubation module, drug module, ventilation module.

“The red room treats patients in particularly critical conditions, the most serious. Thanks to the reorganization of the spaces and a dedicated project – explains the director of the emergency room Maria Adelina Ricciardelli – we now have a red area dedicated to small patients who, assessed at triage as code red have direct access to the emergency medicine shock room. The children are immediately evaluated by the emergency room doctor who contacts the pediatrician on call or the resuscitation doctor and proceeds with the first diagnostic-therapeutic measures for acute pediatric pathologies. The solutions adopted guarantee greater privacy and better comfort also for parents, who will be able to assist their child”.

“The new area, adjacent to the red area for adults, is equipped to guarantee and flexibly adapt the intensity of treatment and continuous monitoring of vital parameters for young patients thanks to a centralized cardiac activity monitoring system , That it allows operators to constantly monitor the patient’s condition even from the workstation and quickly intervene, with all the emergency professionals around. After stabilization and initial treatment, the children are taken care of by Paediatrics” concludes the director of the maternal and child department Simone Rugolotto.

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