Lamezia, Trame kicks off from 18 to 23 June: among the new installations and events in several places in the city

Lamezia Terme – The adventure of Trame, Festival of books on mafias, which will have the same title as a novel by Leonardo Sciascia, reaches its 13th edition: “To Future Memory”, because, as underlined by the artistic director Giovanni Tizian, “in a time that experiences historical revisionism and denial of some phenomena – even the mafia one – it is necessary to bring memory back to the center of public and political debate”. Trame thus maintains the thread of memory, but at the same time continues to renew itself by inaugurating a series of important innovations this year, illustrated in a press conference by the president of the Trame Foundation Nuccio Iovene and by the director Tizian via video link, in the presence of the mayor Paolo Mascaro, of the culture councilor Annalisa Spinelli and the director of the Lametino Archaeological Museum Simona Bruni. “First of all, this year the Festival will not only touch the central places where it has traditionally taken place – Palazzo Nicotera, Piazzetta San Domenico, the Cloister, the Archaeological Museum – explains Iovene – but also Piazza Mazzini – where readings will take place in collaboration with the “Pan"idiano” newsstand-restaurant point -, the Central Station of Sant’Eufemia-Lamezia and the Court of Lamezia, the Teatro Costabile: here there will be a series of installations, the latest linked to the centenary of the poet Franco Costabile, on the theme some words. In fact, we decided to open the Festival to the territoryfurther broadening its possible audience”.

The second novelty concerns the exhibitions, which will have a very significant weight this year: of particular importance is “Civic Visions. Returned art”, which can be visited at the Lametino Archaeological Museum from 18 to 28 July. The exhibition in fact consists of a selection of works of art confiscated from organized crime: 44 pieces from the 20th century, from De Chirico to Ligabue, selected by Professor Lorenzo Canova, art historian of the “MetaMorfosi” Cultural Association, which will be possible to view every day, from 9am to 7pm, thanks to a project financed by the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Foundation – proposed by Trame through a specific tender which saw only 10 winners in all of Italy – and carried out in collaboration with the Agenzia dei Ben Confiscati, Regional Directorate of Museums Calabria – Ministry of Culture and Metropolitan City of Reggio Calabria. Furthermore, the photographic exhibition “The Africo case”, and the guided narrative on the unpublished ceramics of the Stancati collection “10,100,1000 steps to discover the territory”. The director of the Museum Simona Bruni was enthusiastic, underlining the profound connection between the theme of memory chosen this year by Trame and the function of Museums, understood as “containers that open, fixed points of legality, places of participatory culture, to use as a tool for building civic awareness”. Another novelty is the increase in the number not only of sponsors but also of cultural partners, including Finanza Etica, CGIL, and once again Confcommercio, and the media partnership of Rai Radio 3.

Very thick events on the calendar told by director Tizian, which will touch on a series of current issues connected to legality such as emergency law decrees, Calabrian healthcare, migrants, tax havens, juvenile prisons. Central are the daily moments dedicated to the living testimony of entrepreneurs who fight against crime and the families of the victims, and those dedicated to the analysis of the state of the anti-mafia, the murder of Peppe Valarioti, the Messina Denaro case. Naturally there will be no shortage of guests: from the Prosecutor Gratteri to Gigi Riva, from Don Luigi Ciotti to Arcangelo Badolati to Domenico Di Girolamo, also passing through Lo Statale Jonico and Lucariello. Numerous theater moments and screenings, with particular attention to documentaries. And to conclude on a high note, the music of Peppe Voltarelli. “We strongly believe in the contamination of languages, and in the duty, inherent in the journalist’s work, to spread culture,” explains Tizian. Values ​​shared by the mayor and councilor Spinelli who applaud the initiative to open the Festival to the territory, already hoped for in 2016 by Mascaro, who underlines the work carried out by the administration in the field of confiscated assets, including his own car ‘order. Thanks from Spinelli to Tano Grasso, former councilor for culture during the Speranza administration and creator of the Festival, and applause for the choice to talk about healthcare and emigration, addressing his offer to young people and working for the growth of the territory .

The presentation ends with the speech of Roberto Gatto, representative of Comunità Progetto Sud, which together with Trame and many other entities involved in social issues – such as Pax Christi, Agesci, Arci, ICICA – is part of the “Humanity in Research” movement, born after the Cutro tragedy with the aim of reflection and common commitment: it will be discussed during the first introductory day, which like last year will be a prelude to the Festival. The young volunteers, the staff, the associations involved, including ALA, and the Foundation itself were thanked several times for the work carried out this year in a precarious situation due to the delay in the release of the regional call for cultural events: a an event which was not enough to discourage the initiative of the organizers in the creation of a now historicized event which is part of the cultural life of the country.

Here is the program (click here)

Giulia De Sensi



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