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“Trame” returns to «future memory» for a new culture of legality

“Trame” returns to «future memory» for a new culture of legality
“Trame” returns to «future memory» for a new culture of legality

LAMEZIA TERME The chosen theme is “for future reference”, following the path already marked in recent years, and indicated on several occasions by those who, on a daily basis, deal with organized crime through complex investigative activities by the District Anti-Mafia offices. The same “memory” that, in Lamezia Terme and more generally in Calabria, it serves as a foundation on which to continue building legality and hopebrick by brick, through a renewed culture of legality to be instilled in future generations.
The prerequisite, however, is to start from the analysis of the past, understand what has really happened in recent decades, and what the repercussions are – still current – on the social and cultural fabric of our region and our country.

The message and objectives of “Trame” do not change, and indeed they are forcefully relaunched in the new edition (the thirteenth) at the starting line. From 18 to 23 June 2024 the city of Lamezia Terme will become the “beating heart” of dialogue, debate and discussion with many voices and with multiple and different protagonists: journalists, writers, academic figures (including international ones) and then magistrates, musicians and TV hosts. In short, a “layered” and multifaceted parterre ready to land in the Lametina plain close to the summer season and with the usual enthusiasm of those who, such as the artistic director Giovanni Tizian and the president of “Fondazione Trame”, Nuccio Iovene, with the support of a huge team he relaunches the project every year, despite the difficulties. The opportunity is to break away from the usual narrative, often now rhetorical, of a land – Calabria – folded in on itself and sunk by illegality. The road is anything but easy and the horizon beyond the climb is just a mirage, proof of which is the many anti-Ndrangheta operations conducted again this year by the Calabrian DDA and the dozens of arrests of alleged bosses, followers and whites”.

In this sense, the direction of the 13th edition of Trame is clear. «We ask our guests but also citizens – Nuccio Iovene explained to Corriere della Calabria – who will come to think with us about what the mafia has been in recent years, what it is and what it could be also on the basis of our ability to react, analyze and respond. Together with all of them we will discuss the various aspects, that of infiltration into the legal economy, that relating to traditional trafficking, those that determined primitive accumulation, the season of kidnappings, for example, or that of drug trafficking”. And then there will be a mix of languages, as always, even richer because «there will be art and photographic exhibitions, but also documentaries, films, music, theatre, performances, readings and a contamination that goes beyond the “traditional festival” ». «Because – explains Iovene again – for the first time this year there will be “Plots in the city” in which not only citizens will come to us but the festival will be present, for example, at the central station of Lamezia Terme, at the court, at the Teatro Costabile di Sambiase, and Piazza Mazzini with exhibitions, installations, readings and other activities , a diffusion of the festival which is a contamination.”

An important novelty this year is the exhibition organized at the Lamezia Terme Museum which will open the festival on June 18th. This is an exhibition of works of art confiscated from two exponents of organized crime, Gioacchino Campolo and Gennaro Mokbel. «There are 44 works by masters of the 20th century, curated by Professor Lorenzo Canova. The works confiscated from Mokbel are exhibited to the public for the first time ever, following the confiscation. The exhibition will be visible throughout the festival, but also afterwards, until July 28th. It will therefore be an opportunity to continue Trame’s presence and message beyond the festival.” ([email protected])


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