If only out of patriotism, Meloni would be happy to dissociate himself from the kids who praise Hitler

If only out of patriotism, Meloni would be happy to dissociate himself from the kids who praise Hitler
If only out of patriotism, Meloni would be happy to dissociate himself from the kids who praise Hitler

Now that the G7 is over (just one note, I didn’t like the presence of the Pope, the religious authorities, all of them, popes, ayatollahs, imams, rabbis, should be kept outside and distant from the decisions of the political authorities) we can ask Giorgia Meloni to return to her home.

In his home, as the Fanpage journalistic investigation aired on Piazzapulita showed, it was not actually a discovery, rather a confirmation, there are young people, leaders and parliamentarians of his party who proudly declare themselves fascists, they do the Roman salute, they celebrate symbols of fascism, they praise the Duce and Hitler (I didn’t mind, however, that civil service was practiced at the headquarters of a party, on the contrary, as long as this is done with transparency, correctness and naturally it can apply to all parties).

Those people, young people, managers and parliamentarians, shown in the television report and in the journalistic investigation, are people that Giorgia Meloni knows well, with whom she has had and has a long association, they are young people of whom Meloni said she was proud and who thanked.

Those who rightly say, especially on the right, that fascism no longer exists, that it died eighty years ago, and that for this reason they do not want to declare themselves anti-fascist today, should explain this to those boys, leaders and parliamentarians of the Brothers of Italy. Therefore, it should be Giorgia Meloni who tells his people that they are wrong, who condemns their practices and their rituals, who asks them not to do it again, otherwise they will go outside of his and their party.

Instead Meloni thanks them, she is proud of them. This is a problem, not only for Meloni but for Italy, and for Italy in Europe, because Fratelli d’Italia is a governing party and Meloni is prime minister. No, Meloni cannot remain silent in front of those images, those images of his militants and parliamentarians who act like fascists and Nazis. Once the G7 is over, Meloni must intervene, because those images and those people are a problem especially for her and because they become a problem for the whole country.

It is not surprising, frankly, that in front of those images, the allies of Giorgia Meloni and Fratelli d’Italia, the League, Forza Italia, the Moderates if they exist, are silent, somewhat ignominiously. It is not surprising that people, now within Fratelli d’Italia and now with Giorgia Meloni, such as Marcello Pera and Giulio Tremonti, who due to personal history and beliefs are foreign to that world, remain silent. It is not surprising that the Jewish community remains silent. They remain silent out of convenience, out of opportunism, out of cowardice.

But Meloni no, she cannot remain silent. Faced with those images and those of its people, the right cannot simply continue to play the victim (of a journalistic investigation!) or hypocritically try to look elsewhere, at the social centers (what’s up with that?!) which are certainly not an expression of a party and a party in government.

Those images are expressions of a mentality, of a custom, of a way of forming within that party, a way that is unfortunately widespread and is spreading more and more among the Italian right. This is demonstrated by the incidents and squad violence this week in the Chamber and by the same old chat of the now former spokesperson of the minister Lollobrigida

For this reason Meloni must intervene and must say a clear, unequivocal, definitive word, at least say that even if she does not feel the need, the necessity of calling herself an anti-fascist, fascists and fascisms are not allowed, they are not tolerable, in her party and in this Italy. Maybe you would lose a few votes but you would gain credibility, you, your party, the entire nation.

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