European Championships, Andrea Monti: “League at historic lows in Lombardy, reorganization is needed in the north”

European Championships, Andrea Monti: “League at historic lows in Lombardy, reorganization is needed in the north”
European Championships, Andrea Monti: “League at historic lows in Lombardy, reorganization is needed in the north”

LAZZATE – After a disappointing result for the League in the European elections of last June 9th during which it recorded a historic low in Lombardy and 9% of the national consensus, the Northern League mayor of Lazzate Andrea Monti returns to speak with an analysis, stating that “the League must reorganize itself in the northern territories”.

With a long reflection, the mayor of Lazzate Andre Monti analyzes the results of the League’s latest European elections, recalling the historic low in Lombardy, the motherland of the Northern League party: “The decline in consensus in the regions where the League has always been able to lead difference: Lombardy, Veneto and Piedmont. Where it was born, it took its first steps and where it shaped a veritable army of administrators, who have always been the backbone of the movement and political success”. Monti continues: “It is clear that we are not faced with individual territorial responsibilities, of individual provinces, because the data is generalized, and it is precisely those who love the League who cannot and must not turn a blind eye.”

Mayor Monti’s reflection also looks at Forza Italia’s overtaking of consensus compared to the League: “Forza Italia’s overtaking is a signal that we cannot please, also considering the fact that Silvio Berlusconi’s party, after his death, , was considered by many to be doomed and destined for a natural political decline”.

Finally, the mayor of Lazzate closes his analysis with a conclusion that serves as a warning to the Northern League party itself: “This is a general retreat that cannot leave us indifferent and which recalls the urgency of intervening starting precisely from the reorganization of the party by choosing a political line capable of keeping the League together as a territorial union force and a League that also interprets a score on modern and innovative national themes”.

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