Toto arrived in Forlì: ‘armoured’ Cintorino, Mezzacapo puzzle. Idea Alberto Gentili

Toto arrived in Forlì: ‘armoured’ Cintorino, Mezzacapo puzzle. Idea Alberto Gentili
Toto arrived in Forlì: ‘armoured’ Cintorino, Mezzacapo puzzle. Idea Alberto Gentili

Forlì, 15 June 2024 – The first summit with the center-right parties victorious in the elections seems set for Monday. What begins is, therefore, a weekend of reflections. Many of these will focus, across parties, on the position expressed by Jacopo Morrone on the Pug from yesterday: “You don’t change a team that wins.” That is, it puts the confirmation of the two Northern League councilors on the table Daniele Mezzacapo (who was deputy mayor) e Andrea Cintorino. A position that presumably will not please many allies. So far, with the passing of the days since Monday’s victory, the overall picture seems to become even more complicated. “Morrone will not change his mind,” is the prediction of a source close to the council.

The initial stalemate has increased Andrea Cintorino’s chances: she is one of the few women so far in the spotlight, which could benefit her (along with her 458 preferences). Even though Mezzacapo had one more vote than her (459), today there is no insider who would predict her other than her. With what powers, however, it remains to be seen, given that the Civica would like to ask for the historic center (so far owned by Cintorino) for Kevin Well donean entrepreneur in the textile sector who, they say, has gathered the support of a part of the world of commerce (325 preferences).

A possible point of balance could be to give to League the president of the city council? In this case, the mood between the parties seems more condescending towards Massimiliano Pompignoli – regional councilor and outgoing group leader of the Carroccio – who towards Daniele Mezzacapo. However, an anomalous situation would remain: that the most voted member of Matteo Salvini’s party remains out of all the nominations.

One of the problems is the absence of women who have the competence, but also the experience to be able to join the council, at least among the city councillors. Among these, however, it must be mentioned Emanuela Bassi that for Brothers of Italy she was group leader in the last legislature (114 preferences). The party of Giorgia Meloni should get three councilors: almost certain Vincenzo Bongiorno (624, as deputy mayor), while the confirmation of Marco Catalano is being evaluated (454, he had delegations to Pnrr and agriculture).

A of the areas that cause the most concern is that of welfare. It seems that the polls had fun complicating the plans. For example, Barbara Rossi – outgoing councilor – stopped at 157 votes, she is only seventh on the League list (where she ran as an independent): she would be a woman, she would have the experience gained from autumn 2022 onwards, but in any case the numbers do not allow either the League to propose it successfully nor to the parties to accept it. Among the elected councilors, there is one who has specific expertise Alberto Gentili, the most voted in Forza Italia with 310 preferences: well-known in Catholic associations, he is a member of the family council and founded the ‘Families together’ association to support those with disabled relatives. But as far as Forza Italia is concerned, the unmovable slot seemed to be that of the outgoing councilor for the environment and roads Giuseppe Petetta (242 votes), a technician who has always been close to Mayor Zattini.

Unless that the reasoning does not become that of strengthening the figures of the group leaders. “In the next 5 years, the opposition will have figures in the field who know how to do politics. Experience is also needed on our side”, reasons an authoritative exponent of the centre-right. Could Petetta therefore lead the patrol of the 3 blues instead of being part of the council?

For similar reasons, this is the role you think for Loris Ceredi, the only councilor re-nominated in Forlì Cambia (and re-elected with 314 votes, the third of his). Surveyor, it is more difficult for you to enter the Zattini-bis.

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