THE CASE OF LECCE – BariSeranews

For very few votes, barring recounts, Adriana Poli Bortone did not win the elections as Mayor of Lecce in the first round, in any case the majority of the municipal council of the Salento capital is already centre-right.

All this in a region, Puglia, which over the last thirty years has gone from being the center-right’s breadbasket of votes to a centre-left stronghold.

Which makes the result in Lecce more remarkable, especially if you consider that winning in the first round against an outgoing mayor is as rare as it is difficult.

I don’t know the dynamics of Lecce but I think I can say in any case that Adriana Poli Bortone is an undoubted physical representation of that winning centre-right of thirty years ago, which I like to think still has a place in the hearts of free Apulian voters, those without relatives hired in recent years in some company controlled by the Region, Provinces and Municipalities.

PS The brilliant idea of ​​the feared dissolution of the Bari City Council transformed De Caro from Mayor into Martyr. No one gets more votes than a Martyr. A Mayor is generally voted for by those who know him, a Martyr by the faithful of each district. In fact, even the exponents of the PD have spoken about De Caro’s dragging effect.

Congratulations therefore to the refined strategists of the centre-right.

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