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Reggio. The Democratic Party replies to Tarquini: “he lost clearly, but he is still in the election campaign”

Reggio. The Democratic Party replies to Tarquini: “he lost clearly, but he is still in the election campaign”
Reggio. The Democratic Party replies to Tarquini: “he lost clearly, but he is still in the election campaign”

June 14, 2024 at 5:58 pm

Massimo Gazza, provincial secretary of the Democratic Party of Reggio Emilia, writes in a note: “Giovanni Tarquini is like Bill Murray in “Groundhog Day”: every morning the alarm clock rings on his bedside table and the lawyer gets up. But his calendar, instead of proceeding with the natural passage of the days, is stopped at Friday 7 June 2024, the last day before the administrative vote in Reggio Emilia.

The lawyer reviews the key words of his final speech: decline, insecurity, abandonment, discontinuity, and prepares to go on stage. It matters little that the elections have already taken place, and he has been clearly defeated. Someone, we imagine in his staff, doesn’t have the heart to tell him that in the meantime we are on Friday 14 June 2024, and he is in opposition. His electoral campaign has failed, the people of Reggio have spoken, but Tarquini, unaware of all this, continues to flood the editorial offices and the population with press releases. As if, in fact, we were still in the election campaign. And he mechanically repeats his key words, in an infinite loop.

It is therefore with a bipartisan spirit that we turn to the center-right to wake up the lawyer from his dream and free him from the “Groundhog Day” syndrome. Accept that you lost, it’s not a drama. We will be the first to shake his hand and welcome him back to reality, and if he wants to discuss with us a city, Reggio Emilia, which certainly has aspects that can be improved but is still at the top in terms of quality of life in all national rankings, we will support the debate . The people of Reggio, on the other hand, spoke at the polls. Continuing to ignore him would be a really bad film for the opposition. The political picture in Reggio Emilia is not confusing, in reality it is very clear.”

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