Bicycle thieves in Verona, repression and advice from the local police

An image from the video of the theft of a bike in Verona

Only 16 complaints reached the Local police of Verona in the last month for bicycle thefts, but the phenomenon – net of reports to other police forces – is certainly more widespread. And we can actually see an increase, particularly for high-value bikes, often electric. There Local police and the Municipality of Verona they therefore invite citizens to always reporteven on the phone in real time, ea to prevent. For this reason they have drawn up a dedicated handbook.

Prevention is at homewith alarms and chains even in the garages, yes on the road. In case of particularly expensive bicycles, like those of the two German tourists recovered yesterday in Via Roma by Commander Altamura’s agents, it is very useful for the police to have a timely report, and perhaps GPS data. Security devices with geolocation are now within everyone’s reach, and above all a useful investment on high-value vehicles.

Below, after the video of the interviews, the complete handbook and the full video of the theft in front of a pharmacy in Verona.

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The handbook of the local police and the municipality of Verona

What can each of us do to protect our bicycle? The Security Department and the local Police considering it important to raise awareness among citizens on the topic, they have drawn up a handbook, with around twenty self-protection rules to avoid bicycle theftwhich increasingly represent a vehicle to be encouraged for the purposes of soft mobility.

Presenting it today the councilor for Security Stefania Zivelonghi together with Commander of the local police Luigi Altamura et al operational deputy commander of the local police Massimo Pennella.

The 20 rules of self protection

  • It is recommended to always use a good lockeven when the bike is parked for only a few minutes.
  • Fasten the frame and rear wheel to an element firmly anchored to the ground (racks, poles).
  • Use a second lockif possible, to block the frame and rear wheel.
  • Don’t leave them padlock closures at flooring level, because it is easier to force them.
  • Park your bicycle in places not too crowdedpossibly placed in sight, where it can be monitored from a window.
  • If possible, park your bicycle in the range of video surveillance cameras town of private cameras as well as near commercial establishments, places that thieves usually also know and which for this reason they avoid.
  • If your bicycle does not have a chassis number, enter a sign of recognition and identification. For example, a particular sticker in an inconspicuous place, a note inside the seat tube; if found, recognizing it and claiming ownership will be easier.
  • Take one photograph of your bicycle: it will be easier to report any theft and regain possession of it if found.
  • Remember that new bicycles have a chassis number and are combined with a brand. Always keep the bicycle booklet that was provided upon purchase handy, as it helps the police in the event of a theft report or recovery of the vehicle.
  • In Verona there is an active bicycle marking service with your tax code, thanks to the collaboration with the Friends of the Bicycle.
  • In the event of theft of your bicycle, always report theft to the police forces and the local police, also attaching photos of the vehicle: this allows law enforcement officers to identify so-called “black-points” and monitor the area.
  • We must always remember that without complaintin case of discovery, the police cannot return the bicycle to the rightful owner;
  • If the bike has a certain value, it is necessary to be careful if it is kept in an unalarmed garage (however, it would be preferable to also install an alarm on the garage door), it is preferable to tie it down in a significant way even with a physical structure (hooks on the wall or floor), so that those who intend to steal it still have to use more time and larger tools that can be noticed by neighbors;
  • Never leave your bike in the car, it could be an easy prey for thieves, who try to force the door rather than shatter the window and enter the passenger compartment to steal the bicycle; if you have to take your car to the workshop, avoid idle stops and if anything put a double padlock even if you are in the car; for those who have no way of transporting their bike inside the car and have to use external bike racks, securing them with padlocks or other security systems becomes mandatory in case of parking.
  • In case of new bicycleit’s better avoid advertising the purchase on social media with posts on Facebook, Instagram and other social networks, which can certainly attract the attention of criminals (even unsuspected ones)
  • In the case of a valuable bicycle, use GPS systems to be installed inside the bikesin places that are difficult for thieves to access, so that tracing can be verified in the first moments of the theft, as happens more and more often, with the possibility of rapid intervention by the local police, with a simple phone call to the operations center, as soon as notices the theft has occurred.
  • Be careful with the use of applications that allow you to track individual activities and share them with the community such as Strava, Komoot, etc. You need to be very careful because many thieves also use these apps to monitor the training of possible “preys” and precisely identify the house or garage to target. To avoid all this, it is sufficient to set privacy zones, i.e. areas around the home (or office and other sensitive places) that we want to keep hidden and not share with anyone.
  • Never leave important objects on the bicycle such as a cycle computer or valuable equipment.
  • Change position often when parking your bicycle when you frequent a place every day (school, club, office, …) to give the idea that the bike is used often.
  • AND in case of theftis important at the time of reporting always report: model (e.g. racing, mountain bike, city bike, etc.), brand, colour. accessories (e.g.: bags, basket, cycle computer, etc…), particular signs (e.g.: writings, stickers, signs of use on the frame, etc…), type of padlock (e.g.: steel cable, chain , etc…), possible recognition system (i.e. the marking code). the conditions (new, used, rusty, etc.), the value.

Please note that it is possible to view the recovered bicycles on the local police website.

«In the operational handbook presented – he explains councilor Stefania Zivelonghi – we have decided to make use of the experience that the local police has gained in recent years with respect to the dynamics with which thefts occur and the weaknesses that can increase their occurrence. These are precautions to increase self-protection, to be activated every time you use the bicycle, such as being careful to lock the house well when you leave. This is part of integrated security, an approach that we are using in different contexts, and where even well-informed citizens can be able to protect themselves.”

Zivelonghi notes: «In Verona there are around 16 reports of bicycle theft in a month in a city of 258 thousand inhabitants, a figure that makes it clear how many few reports are actually made to the local police, to the detriment of starting an investigation. The local police carries out territorial control activities aimed at preventing and repressing bicycle thefts, but citizens can and must help to recover their vehicle by reporting and providing as much information as possible.”

Bike theft in Verona
Bike theft in Verona

«We have noticed – declares the commander of the local police Luigi Altamura – a increase in bicycle theftsespecially those of high value. For this reason, with this document we give some practical advice for protecting bikes. To name a few, it’s essential to keep bikes with locks in unalarmed garages. Furthermore, installing GPS devices can be an excellent solution for tracking them in case of theft. It is important not to purchase bicycles at prices that are too low compared to the market, because there is the risk of receiving stolen goods.”

«The latest theft occurred yesterday, carried out in Via Roma to the detriment of two German tourists who came to visit Verona from the lake with two new ones electric bicycles worth over 4 thousand euros. Fortunately, thanks to the immediate intervention of two officers in the area, it was possible to stop the thief and recover the bicycles. The collaboration of citizens is crucial. Promptly reporting any suspicious activity allows us to intervene quickly and effectively” concludes Altamura.

The video of the theft in front of a pharmacy

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