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TIVOLI – “Discharged by the Social Emergency Service”, the appeal of an evicted unemployed person

TIVOLI – “Discharged by the Social Emergency Service”, the appeal of an evicted unemployed person
TIVOLI – “Discharged by the Social Emergency Service”, the appeal of an evicted unemployed person

Find yourself again without work and without a roof over their heads.

Ask institutions for help, find one outstretched hand that is immediately withdrawn.

Falling back into thenightmare of ending up on the street.

It’s the drama of Marcellus (the name is fictitious), a 57 year old unemployed Italian currently staying in a hotel in Bagni di Tivoli at the expense of the Municipality of Tivoli.

The man turned to the editorial office of the online newspaper of the City of the North East Tiburno.Tv to bring his case to the forefront of the news because tomorrow, Saturday 16 June, Marcello will have to leave the hotel room and find an alternative solution.

This is what the unemployed man himself said after a conversation he had last June 6 with a social worker from Palazzo San Bernardino.

The drama of Marcello began last May 16, when he was notified executive eviction by public force for non-payment from the apartment employed, with contract now expired, a Hadrian’s Village.

“Not having housing solutions, due to lack of guarantees and funds to be able to pay a deposit for a rental – says the 57 year old – at the suggestion of a friend, on April 29th I contacted the social services of the municipality of Tivoli via email and the following day I was contacted for a telephone interview, at the end of which the social worker suggested that I go to the social secretariat of the municipality to represent my difficulty”.

At the indicated office, Marcello says he exposed the problem and provided the certification ISEE to check his difficulties.

Then he was given the toll-free number, 800708905of the social emergency servicea structure responsible for emergency response in the event of social emergencies of all kinds, as described online by the municipality itself:

Do you need help? The free Social Emergency Service is here, active 24 hours a day, 365 days a year

“As you suggested – the unemployed Italian continues the story – on the day of the eviction I contacted the toll-free number which quickly called in two assistants who, having assessed my position, found accommodation for me at a partner hotel in the Tivoli Terme area and where I was welcomed immediately”.

Marcello seemed to have found a shred of serenity at least until last Thursday June 6 when he was summoned by the relevant social worker for plan your reintegration into the working world and the other steps to take to return to one normal life.

“But unfortunately – explains Marcello – the only thing done was to acknowledge that the Employment Agency had not yet responded to the request for Training and Work Support, which in the meantime the Social Emergency Service had advised me to do, and to establish that on June 16th I will have to leave the temporary accommodation assigned to me”.

“For honesty and duty for the record – Marcello points out – I must say that no period of time had been guaranteed to me in the current housing support, however, speaking daily with the hotelier and the restaurateur who takes care of the meals under agreement, I learned that the usual duration of the housing support service is three months.

Or at least that’s how it has been for all the guests up to now with the sole exception of me. Unfortunately this situation arose precisely in the days of the election and my attempts to speak to the councilor responsible for Social Services were in vain and I believe he has also changed with the elections”.

“My request – concludes the unemployed man – is to understand why this disparity in treatment compared to all the other guests welcomed to date and to know if there is a possibility of extending the welcome, as mentioned at the beginning, until the moment of reintegration into the working world also by virtue of the fact that I received a first summons to the Employment Agency for the probable acceptance of the requested Training and Work Support”.

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