Olbia is a kind city. The Municipality is committed to promoting values ​​of gratitude and forgiveness

Olbia is a kind city. The Municipality is committed to promoting values ​​of gratitude and forgiveness
Olbia is a kind city. The Municipality is committed to promoting values ​​of gratitude and forgiveness

OLBIA. With the signing of the Kindness Manifesto by the Social Services councilor Simonetta Lai, Olbia is officially a “gentle municipality”. The city has in fact joined the program that promotes positive values ​​in the world, conceived and promoted by the International Kindness Movement led by the naturalist biologist and writer Daniel Lumera and the coordinator Felicia Cigorescu.

After the event in Su Lizzu which saw the proclamation of the first gentle cemetery in Italy >, a large demonstration was organized in Piazza Crispi to bring Olbia back among the municipalities that promote kindness, gratitude and forgiveness in Italy.

The evening, set against the backdrop of Tavolara, opened with a dance performance by Cirque Du Soleil. Daniel Lumera, Felicia Cigorescu, the Aspo director for Olbia cemetery services participated in the event Caterina Sotgia and the psychoanalyst and essayist Massimo Recalcati “Kindness – said the latter – is a radical form of care. I take care of people and kindness is a way to welcome the suffering of others and their pain.”

In his speech he referred to one of the most significant figures of the Odyssey, Nausicaa. “She is the princess of the Phaeacians who welcomes Ulysses, the stranger, who came from the sea. The gesture of kindness is a gesture of welcome. We are kind to foreigners – underlined the writer -, we happen to be kind to a passer-by, on public transport, sometimes when a motorist lets us pass. Kindness is a way of welcoming the stranger, the one who is not close to us.”

By signing the International Kindness Movement Manifesto, the Municipality undertakes to spread positive values ​​through events and demonstrations over the next two years.

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