Faenza Calcio received in the Municipality after the leap into Excellence

Faenza Calcio received in the Municipality after the leap into Excellence
Faenza Calcio received in the Municipality after the leap into Excellence

An important success for the white-blue club which was celebrated in the Red Hall of the Municipality of Faenza, where the mayor Massimo Isola and the sports councilor Martina Laghi met the team led by the president Gian Andrea Missiroli, the manager Juri Locatini, the coach Agostino Vezzoli, the sporting director Nicola Cavina, the players and other managers and technicians for congratulate you on the move to Excellence.

Mayor Isola thanked the club for the sporting result obtained, also underlining the importance for the community of the aggregation project between Faenza and Virtus in the youth sector. “A virtuous action also from a social point of view because it bears the positive values ​​of sport”.

Concept reiterated by councilor Laghi who highlighted “the priority of the educational project aimed at young people and growth in sport”.

Biancazzurro president Missiroli thanked for the invitation and the meeting “which makes us proud and stimulates us in our commitment to consolidate the category by giving the kids the increasingly prospective opportunity to play with our city’s shirt. Coach Agostino Vezzoli – added Missiroli – has obtained the return to Excellence for the second time as happened ten years ago. Thanks to him, the team and the staff, a close-knit group.”

Agostino Vezzoli, passing the baton at the helm of the team as coach to Nicola Cavina, recalled how “the strength of the group was the unity and the ability to overcome difficult moments together”.

Nicola Manaresi, a veteran of the Manfredi colours, concluded by highlighting the role of the staff in supporting the team to which he “tried to give the maximum contribution of experience for growth by example”.

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