Referendum against autonomy, Campania leads the no front

NAPOLI. Objective: abrogative referendum. The die seems to have been cast. Leading the front against differentiated autonomy in the South will be the two governors of the left: Vincenzo De Luca and Michele Emiliano. The staff of the governor of the Campania Region is working with those of five other governors – Sardinia, Tuscany, Emilia Romagna and, indeed, Puglia – to reach a first meeting of the Coordination as soon as possible. At least on a technical level.

THE TEXT OF THE ABROGATIVE REFERENDUM. The goal is to be able to bring to the table a first draft of the text for the abrogative referendum of the law. A text that is unassailable and that does not risk rejection by the Constitutional Court. It should be remembered, in fact, that to obtain the abrogative referendum, five regions are needed or alternatively the path of collecting 500 thousand signatures.

THE ATTEMPT TO WIDEN THE FRONT IS UPHILLY. in the front row, in addition to De Luca, bitter enemy of differentiated autonomy, also the Sardinian colleague of the M5S, Alessandra Todde in the defense of the specialty of Sardinia. On the uphill instead appears the attempt to involve Calabria and Basilicata, whose governors of Fi have expressed caution with respect to the law, but do not seem willing to take the field with their colleagues of the left.

HOW TO FINANCE THE LEP. The issue of defining the Essential Levels of Performance, the famous Lep, remains central for De Luca. For de Luca, “we need to be careful of the fraudulent communications that some friends of the government majority are making, who say don’t worry because we have two years to approve the new Lep, but they never say that we must first finance the Lep.” “The Essential Levels of Performance can also be approved on paper,” the governor explained, “but if we don’t finance them, things will remain on paper. It will be a very interesting political-institutional phase.”

EXTRAORDINARY SESSION OF THE REGIONAL COUNCIL. The issue will be discussed in the Regional Council on July 8th in an extraordinary session with the proposed council resolution on the request to call an abrogative referendum. The decision was made by the Conference of the Presidents of the Council Groups following the proposal presented by the vice president of the Campania regional council, Valeria Ciarambino (mixed group), by the group leader of the Democratic Party, Mario Casillo, of Azione-PER, Pasquale Di Fenza, by the councilors Corrado Matera (mixed group), Andrea Volpe (Psi), Fulvio Frezza (mixed group), Vincenzo Alaia (Italia Viva), Luigi Abbate (Campania Libera), Vittoria Lettieri and Diego Venanzoni of the De Luca President Group.

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