Calabria, the elderly are the first victims of waiting lists

The elderly Calabrians are left increasingly alone. Their requests for care are betrayed by a healthcare system that is becoming less and less public, less and less accessible, and less and less universalistic. In a region like Calabria, where 26% of people are forced to give up treatmentthis is even more inconceivable.

“When, then, there would be a law promptly disregarded – adds the Secretary General of Uilp Calabria Francesco Debiase, which could somehow meet the need for health, contracting one of the historical evils of our land, namely waiting lists. For this reason, as Uil Pensionati Calabria we firmly denounce the unacceptable failure of the Calabria Region in the application of Law 124 of 1998″.

“This law, designed to guarantee fair and timely access to health services, provides for the possibility of requesting paid services, but paid for by the public service, where the health service to be provided goes well beyond the deadline indicated in the request ”.

“However, the failure to apply this rule represents a serious injustice for the Calabrians in general, and in particular for the weakest social fabric i.e. pensioners, who are denied a fundamental right to health and healthcare. Continuing to ignore a law that should act as a lifeline for many citizens, especially elderly people, forced to face long waiting lists for essential medical care is disconcerting.”

“This neglect forces many retirees to pay out of pocket to receive care in a reasonable time, or to wait months, if not years, for benefits that could be paid more quickly if the law were properly enforced. This delay not only worsens the quality of life of our elderly people as well as all citizens, but puts their health and, in some cases, their very lives at risk.”

“Uil Pensionati Calabria demands that the Region immediately take measures to guarantee the application of Law 124 of 1998. It is unacceptable that pensioners, tormented by high living costs and inflation, have to continue to pay such a high price for faults that are not theirs ”.

“The competent authorities must act now to ensure your rights under the law are respected and that all citizens, regardless of age and economic condition, can access the necessary care without further economic burdens, starting from wider information through the CUP, and committing the ASPs themselves to guarantee the exercise of this right for citizens”.

“Health is a fundamental right, and we cannot allow our pensioners, our communities, to be left alone to fight for it. The Calabria Region must answer for its failures and ensure that the law is finally enforced. Our seniors deserve timely care at no additional cost.”

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