“At Fabbri words from a very low level tavern”

“The trivial words of the Northern League member reconfirmed as mayor of Ferrara addressed to Fabio Anselmo and his partner, our senator Ilaria Cucchi, are not worthy of a representative of the institutions, at most they can be uttered in a very low level tavern”. Thus Nicola Fratoianni and Angelo Bonelli, leaders of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra after the case that broke out following Marco Gulinelli’s phone call received from Fabio Anselmo in which they felt offended by the lawyer and his partner, Ilaria Cucchi, attributable to the mayor’s deputy Alan Fabbri .

“Having won the elections – continue the two parliamentarians – does not authorize anyone, neither in Ferrara nor anywhere else, reactions and behaviors of this kind. In recent years we have also confronted with harsh and harsh tones on many occasions with ministers and political exponents of the League in Parliament and on TV, but respect for our adversary has never disappeared. Now we expect clear and clear words of condemnation from them for this unspeakable behavior. All our solidarity goes to Fabio and Ilaria. If anyone thinks that we will be intimidated, they are sadly mistaken.”

The news, given exclusively by Estense.com, was also taken up at a national level. As in the case of Luca Bottura, well-known journalist, writer and radio host, who expressed solidarity with the lawyer and his partner: “Ferrara – writes Bottura in X – is a city in which the most violent crime (apart from murder Aldrovandi) has been, for the last twenty years, a parking ban. Years of propaganda on the immigrant emergency have brought this troglodyte to power, in an avalanche. Then, since he held two festivals, he won again in a big way despite his unpresentable traveling companions. But it is and remains this sad stuff. And whoever voted for him is guilty, or manipulated, or both.”

“From the newly re-elected mayor of Ferrara a very serious sexist and vulgar insult against a senator of the Republic and a not so veiled way of intimidating the main opponent in the next city council. In cases like these, not even an apology is enough. The facts speak for themselves. Fabio Anselmo is not alone, we are alongside him in the battle to bring the city of Ferrara back into the hands of the center-left.” This was stated by the group leader of the Green and Left Alliance Peppe De Cristofaro, president of the Mixed group of the Senate.

A video that did not leave many citizens of Ferrara indifferent. Among these are the former councilor Anna Ferraresi, Claudia Zamorani of Finally 2024, Paride Guidetti (M5S), Stefania Soriani and Kiwan Kiwan (United Left for Anselmo) but also the Democratic Party and Rifondazione Comunista.

“The rude and offensive words addressed by the mayor of Ferrara to Fabio Anselmo and Ilaria Cucchi – say the Este dems – are not worthy of those who hold an institutional and political role”. “Fabbri – they thunder – remember that he represents the City of Ferrara”. They clearly admit the defeat in the municipality but also maintain that “politics and political conflict have boundaries to respect: the respect and dignity of everyone”.

Just yesterday Fabbri, in a press conference, complained about Anselmo’s missed phone call, praising Bonaccini’s “political class” while the Democratic Party points out that “the first citizen of a community like the Ferrara one cannot afford to indulge in expressions of contempt and aggressive tones like the ones we heard.”

“In an era in which respect and gender equality should be fundamental values ​​– comments Ferraresi –, it is unacceptable for a public representative to express himself with such sexism and verbal violence”. According to the outgoing councilor “the majority of Ferrara voters have chosen a mayor who has shown – once again – his true yokel and misogynist nature”.

“Instead, we want to hope – say Sinistra Unita per Anselmo – that the majority of Ferrarese will shy away from this way of relating to others. It’s true that you have to know how to lose but above all you have to know how to win.”

There are no words for Paride Guidetti in “commenting on those (the words) used in the phone call made by Gulinelli to Anselmo. That a mayor who (it should be clear to everyone) once elected, is everyone’s mayor, and a councilor for culture, uses certain sexist phrases and sneers at them, clearly represents the human depth of who he should represent throughout the city and the nation with honor and dignity.”

“Words are important – says Claudia Zamorani – because behind words hide a certain thought, a certain culture, a certain way of thinking. And whoever speaks badly, thinks badly. The fact that it is the mayor who speaks badly (and thinks badly) makes the matter even more serious and worrying.”

Rifondazione Comunista Ferrara finally expresses “both concern and firm condemnation, in reference to the unacceptable expression of tones, we also believe it is appropriate to implement a moratorium on similar insults and inappropriate language with a sexist background. If not stopped decisively, they will lead to fueling and giving legitimacy to the debasement and discrimination of women in society, in the world of work, in institutions, in the media and in political life. In particular, those who hold public roles should be at the forefront to put an end to these behaviors, openly taking a stand against this trend, whoever it comes from.”

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