tickets sold out in 28 minutes

PESARO – Tickets available at the Rossini Theater for the meeting on Tuesday 18 June with Marina Abramovic sold out in just 28 minutes. A true race against time for the many admirers of the artist, an exceptional guest in the Capital of Culture with his performance The Life, the first immersive mixed reality performance art event ever conceived, in the premises of the Pescheria Visual Arts Centre.

The wait

«A sign of great attention», comments the president of Pesaro 2024 Daniele Vimini «for one of the most important artists in the world who will meet the public live, accompanied on stage by Todd Eckert, the director of the performance presented here in Pesaro. The Rossini theater was chosen as the most intimate place for this meeting, given that others would have been more dispersive, but what obviously happened with Patti Smith a few years ago.” That is, 750 tickets for as many available seats sold in less than half an hour: «we have limited the number of guests to the maximum, which concerns only the people who participated in this event and we are particularly happy for this response from the public, as well as for the success who is having the artist performance in Pescheria. And as she herself hypothesized, the emotional impact is very strong even when witnessing her performance.” A theater literally taken by storm to see and listen live to an artist who has marked the history of contemporary art, an event that could not be spread over several dates. And these are also the last days to visit the Pescheria and attend the performance The Life which will end on 18 June and projects the public into a unique three-dimensional cinematographic experience, an iconic project of Pesaro 2024.

The particularity

The peculiarity of The Life in Pesaro is also the possibility of analyzing the development of the creation, the complete back stage of its creation, including the iconic red dress used by Abramovic exhibited for the first time, in the Loggiato della Pescheria, where there are also 6 stations to enter as many shades of red specially chosen by the artist.

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