Cremona weather, the forecast for tomorrow Saturday 15 June

Saturday 15 June in Cremona are expected weather conditions variable during the day. The morning and afternoon will be characterized by scattered clouds, while the possibility of light rain is expected in the afternoon. Temperatures will fluctuate between +15.8°C and +24.3°C, with a slight sensation of coolness perceived. The wind will blow at a speed varying between 1km/h and 13.9km/h, with a prevailing direction from East to North East. The humidity will be quite high, around 86-87%, while the atmospheric pressure will remain stable around 1010-1014hPa.

In detail, the morning in Cremona there will be overcast skies and cloud cover of around 90%. Temperatures will be around +17-22°C, with light winds from East to North East. Humidity will remain high at around 84-87%.

In the afternoon, the sky will become completely overcast, with light rain expected around 3pm. Maximum temperatures will be around +24°C, with light winds from the North East. Humidity will be around 63-77%.

There evening in Cremona there will be clear skies, with a slight decrease in cloud cover. Temperatures will gradually drop, reaching +16-18°C, with wind from the North West. Humidity will be around 86-88%.

In conclusion, Saturday 15 June in Cremona a day with variable weather conditions is expected, with scattered clouds in the morning, light rain in the afternoon and clear skies in the evening. Temperatures will remain pleasant, with a perceived sensation of freshness. It is advisable to pay attention to the rain expected in the afternoon and bring an umbrella in case of need. Stay updated on forecast for any changes in weather conditions in the next few days in Cremona.

All the weather data for Saturday 15 June in Cremona

Complete weather forecast for Cremona

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