grain as big as a hand. That’s where he fell

grain as big as a hand. That’s where he fell
grain as big as a hand. That’s where he fell

Fermo, 13 June 2024 – Large ice grains as a hand those who fell in the area between Monte Vidon Fights, Ponzano di Fermo and Petritoli. The dimensions, really impressive, they exceeded 12 centimeters. And in Fermo, one of the most affected centres, interventions by the fire brigade and inspections immediately began.

Record hail: ice grains the size of a hand. That’s where they fell

It all happened suddenly, some lightning followed by thunder and then, in the early afternoon, a reverse of frightening proportions: Hail and rain devastated the Fermo area in just a few minutes and sent traffic into a tailspin, especially along the coastal area where several underpasses were flooded. Inconveniences also on the A14 in the stretch between Pedaso and Civitanova Marche. “The violent hailstorm – explains the mayor Poalo Calcinaro – has blew up the cobblestones and even the asphalt, from the pipes underneath, in various areas of the city, especially those with sloping streets. They contacted me from the Region alerting me that right on Fermo, Porto Sant’Elpidio there was a violent storm “cell”. We are working to verify the extent of the damage.”

The bad weather did not even spare the emergency room of the “Murri” hospital where they were registered hail piles up to 15 centimeters high which caused inconvenience at the entrance to the structure.

Critical issues, especially in relation to road system, in Porto Sant’Elpidio where traffic in the northern area remained paralyzed. Inland, the violence of the hail also broke large tree branches which fell onto the road. There have been many requests for intervention from the firefighters who are still working to clear the streets.

Hail damage: Coldiretti’s appeal

The hail hit in the early afternoon today, hitting the Marche in a patchy pattern, causing damage especially in the provinces of Macerata and Fermo. The Coldiretti area offices immediately started an initial monitoring of the situation. “In Macerata – explains a note – vegetables and cereals in the areas of Recanati, Porto Potenza Picena and Montelupone were affected. The farmers are very worried also in light of the fact that this year the durum wheat harvest promised very well, compared to the negative years of past campaigns. In the province of Fermo, however, horticultural crops were destroyed in Porto Sant’Elpidio”.

In the municipality of Ponzano di Fermo, Monte Vidon Corrado “there are laid cereals, damaged sunflowers and bombed vineyards. To remedy these real bombs of water and ice we need to relaunch the crop insurance system”, the request. In the Marche, Coldiretti reminds us, there is just 7.4% of the agricultural surface area coverage by an insurance policy: around 1,600 companies, of which over 28% organic. Among the most protected crops are wine, durum wheat and sunflower

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