Varese Basketball – The Openjobmetis and Cimberio situations, with a third option ready to take the field

The issue is on the table Main Sponsor in home Varese Basketball.

Now in mid-June, the long wave of silence continues on who will be the main sponsor of the red and white club next season. After 10 years of Openjobmetisin fact, the acquisition by Groupe Crit of the company for temporary work, has changed the cards on the table of the longest-running sponsorship agreement in Italian basketball in recent years.

If last year the renewal confirmation had arrived directly from Cavalier Rasizza on the parquet of the Itelyum Arena in Masnago at the end of the salvation victory against Scafati directly to our microphones, this year the doubts continue to hover strongly in the red and white house about the possible renewal of Openjobmetis.

The latest official statements on the issue date back to last April 18th when, on the occasion of the end-of-season lunch of the Orgoglio Varese project, the CEO of Openjob. (confirmed as such for the next three years despite the acquisition of Groupe Crit) had confirmed the desire to try to convince the French group to continue sponsoring Varese Basketball but without giving any type of certainty regarding the success of the deal, On the contrary.

A few weeks later, in the press meeting with Luis Scolathe red and white CEO had confirmed his desire to renew the marriage, although, once again, leaving any possibility open, without giving certainties on what could have been the outcome of a negotiation which to date still remains in doubtdespite all the optimism that is leaked regarding the deal.

The silence of these weeks, however, has done nothing but fuel doubts on an agreement very important for Varese, which at this moment could think about making a cash advance on the market to operate while waiting for that money (we are talking about a figure around €500,000) which in recent years has represented the contribution of Openjobmetis as Main Sponsor.

In recent weeks, the name of had returned with great force Cimberio within the red and white walls, also given the sponsorship of the San Maurizio D’Opaglio company Varese School Cup and who had brought Roberto, son of Cavalier Renzo, back to the building after many years. A return that has clearly stirred the waters for a possible return of the Cimberio brand alongside that of Pallacanestro Varese, which stopped only at a few informational interviews and nothing more because to date the conditions are not there so that a new agreement can be reached between the parties.

In the meantime, however, a new path would have opened up for the red and whites, with one reality (an American group with which the negotiation would be well set up) which would be ready to enter the clubbringing important economic resources to the Piazzale Gramsci company, perhaps in the form of Main Sponsor.

A third way that opens up scenarios of optimism and renewed confidence (always taking into consideration that, in the event of actual access to the FUBA Europe Cup, the European shirt sponsor will continue to be Itelyum), pending communications regarding a theme that is of primary importance to be defined in the red and white house, to begin to understand how much firepower the red and white club will have to operate as best as possible on the market in view of a season that promises to be among the toughest, given the promotion of two teams such as Trapani and Trieste which in terms of budget should start significantly ahead of Varese and many other Serie A teams and which will shorten the gap even further in view of what will once again be the red and white’s first seasonal goal , or the salvation.

Alessandro Burin

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