AviCoop Monteriggioni, Amadori Group announces the closure

“After an afternoon of intense discussion and the company’s request for half a day’s time to evaluate the requests of the trade union organisations, AviCoop of the Amadori Group communicated to the Tuscany Region the closure of the Monteriggioni site, effectively dismissing 200 workers and workers.” The unions FLAI CGIL, FAI CISL and UILA UIL Siena made this known in a joint press release.

“A very serious choice given the willingness put in place by the institutions – the Tuscany Region, the Province of Siena and the Municipality of Monteriggioni – to support a process of reconversion of the production site and the willingness of the workers to review their work activity – the union acronyms continue – . The company had only been asked to maintain current employment levels and salary levels at full production for the time necessary to identify a requalification path which would be taken over by all regional and local institutions.

Not just an institutional tear, but a social butchery on the skin of workers who will find themselves in the space of a few weeks having to try to be relocated in a saturated labor market, people who have already been facing a situation of very heavy reduction of hours for many weeks worked and wages, given the impossibility of accessing social safety nets as AviCoop is an agricultural cooperative; this decision will put almost 200 families out of business, given that the staff, being 80% casual, will not even have access to forms of income support other than agricultural unemployment which in any case cannot be collected before 2025. A social bomb on the shoulders of a territory that will also have to face it in terms of productive impoverishment. A slap in the face to the workers, but also to the regional and local institutions that had made themselves available.

Amadori is a company that boasts, for advertising purposes, of having a strong corporate social responsibility and which in complete inconsistency makes corporate choices such as closing a production site and firing 200 workers, with a turnover billionaire. The Group recorded 2022 with a turnover of over 1.7 billion, 27.5% more revenues and net profits of 67.5 million euros. The redevelopment of the Monteriggioni site would therefore have been a fully sustainable choice economically but above all socially, consistent with the much vaunted company policies which today are made waste paper. It is clear that “Amadori, people who love” does not refer to the much publicized sustainability and social responsibility but seems more aimed at the love of profit.

FLAI CGIL, FAI CISL and UILA UIL Siena, together with CGIL, CISL and UIL, will not stop and will do everything in their power, from trade union mobilization to institutional pressure actions, up to and including legal action – conclude the unions regarding the decision to close the AviCoop in Monteriggioni – but above all they will bring to the attention of public opinion this very serious choice of relocating poultry production at the sacrifice of the lives and future of 200 workers”.

The workers – the unions communicate – will be on strike on June 20th, with a demonstration in front of the Amadori headquarters in Cesena.

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