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The condition of youth at the center of the debate of the third congress of the Basilicata Student Network

Thursday 13 June 2024 – On 11 June the work of the III Regional Congress of the Basilicata Medical Students Network concluded, during which the new regional executive composed of Teresa D’onofrio as General Secretary, Enrico Vaccaro as Organization Manager, Antonio Masini Communication Manager, Angela Bianco member of the Executive Secretariat e Loris Curcio as a permanent guest.
Furthermore, the regional management was also renewed.

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Teresa D’Onofrio, Secretary of the RdSM Basilicata declares: “This congress is part of an undoubtedly complex phase, full of challenges in the international as well as national and local political context. The response of young people and students is that of prompt opposition to policies of conservation and repression of dissent. The congress was therefore a way to reflect on the priorities that as a student union we want to carry forward and advance the struggle that we carry out inside and outside the schools every day.

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At the center of the debate are fundamental issues for the condition of youth in Basilicata, already initially elaborated in the document “Remain by choice” presented in view of the regional elections of this.

Antonio Masini, Communication Manager of RdSM Basilicata continues: “As students in the upcoming mobilizations this autumn we want to carry forward a generational platform that speaks to all the students of the Region. The right to study, transport, sociability and aggregation, environmental and social support are at the center of our reflection and our guiding star to truly bring the students’ narrative to the Lucanian public debate, which often ignores the voice of the students in struggle.”

At the same time the aim of the congress was to strengthen the practices and tools that the network uses to best represent female students.

Enrico Vaccaro, Organization Manager of RdSM Basilicata continues: “we think that representation is at the center of students’ lives and that this must be revitalized and made capable of changing the conditions that students experience every day in schools. We aim to connect male and female students from across the region who want to get involved to bring change to places of knowledge”

Angela Bianco, of the RdSM Basilicata, takes up the theme of the congress: “The roots of these years of struggle cannot be eradicated, as the name of the congress says, because we think that all the militants and all the young people who try to bring about change have a fundamental role in our region, which is experiencing a void in politics and concrete and radical commitment”

Loris Curcio of RdSM Basilicata concludes: “As previously said, this congress is only a starting point of a work that starts today to conquer the squares of the entire region, to also demonstrate that we are not forced into a decline that seems inevitable and which is bringing us a problem of democratic viability and collective well-being of Lucanians and men and women.”

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