The project returns to Rimini which gave work to seven people with disabilities in 2023

The project returns to Rimini which gave work to seven people with disabilities in 2023
The project returns to Rimini which gave work to seven people with disabilities in 2023

After the first year of activity, the project is renewed for the second year Work Coach, a project created to encourage the employment of people with disabilities through the support of a professional figure who acts as a facilitator and interlocutor with the productive realities of the territory. The project involves the activation of an orientation process for young people in charge of the Adult Disabled Service of the Rimini District, identifying skills, knowledge, motivation and preferences in order to create the conditions for a possible job placement in one of the companies participating in the project. The candidate will then be asked to accept or not the possible inclusion in the proposed company.

In this first year of experimentation, thanks to the support of the professional figure of the work coach, there have been thirteen people followed by the Disability Service who were involved in the process empowerment and brought into contact with the world of work. The work carried out to raise awareness of the corporate fabric of the territory is also important, with over one fifty companies involved in the project. From this path they were born seven hiring proposals of which three were transformed into employment contracts, in different fields and sectors.

The project has been extended by one year, financed with a contribution of 30 thousand euros from the District of Rimini and is entrusted to the New Horizon Società Cooperativa Sociale Onlus which operates in collaboration with Coop Il Millepiedi and Fondazione San Giuseppe.

“This first year has served the Disabled Service in particular to define how to orient the project, therefore trying to understand and analyze both what the companies are looking for and the needs of the boys and girls who join the project – underlines the councilor Kristian Gianfreda The first feedback is more than positive, not so much for the numbers but for the network that is being created and for the growing sensitivity that we are seeing on the part of the city’s entrepreneurial fabric towards a theme, that of the employment inclusion of the most vulnerable subjects, on in which as a District we invest and believe in a particular way, thanks also to the commitment of the operators and social workers who follow the projects”.

“We believe in the figure of the work coach – continues Gianfreda – can allow us to make a further leap in quality, also compared to already consolidated and virtuous experiences such as the A beach for all project, which continues this season too, with seven people with physical and mental disabilities engaged in working in the Rimini beach establishments, thanks to the involvement of the beach operators cooperative. The objective of these and other projects is clear: to promote maximum autonomy of people with disabilities, at the same time strengthening the territorial network and synergies between public and private entities, for the benefit of the entire community”.

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