A 22 thousand euro bank scam, the electoral reading of Carpi Futura, the appreciation for nurseries and summer centers Current affairs

A 22 thousand euro bank scam, the electoral reading of Carpi Futura, the appreciation for nurseries and summer centers Current affairs
A 22 thousand euro bank scam, the electoral reading of Carpi Futura, the appreciation for nurseries and summer centers Current affairs

All different openings and news, today June 13th, for the Carpi Journal And the Resto del Carlino. After the political binge of the last few days, the Journal he leaves the topic of elections to devote himself to a report of fraud suffered by a hairdresser from Carpi, who wanted to make her story public to prevent others from falling into a trap which caused 22 thousand euros to disappear from her bank account in a few minutes. The woman says that she was working on her home banking when the system sent her an alert message for a hacking attempt. It was at that moment that she received a text message on her cell phone – the number of which was evidently in the possession of the scammers as well as her name and her residence – which warned her that a policeman would call her within a few minutes to assist her . The call arrives but the hairdresser doesn’t trust her and she asks to verify the identity of the caller: he points out the number she is calling from, which can be verified on the display of her phone. You actually correspond to the Carabinieri barracks in Carpi. However, this was not the case, but it was a very clever scam perpetrated using IT means: the fake policeman explains to her that her current account is at risk of fraud, invites her to go to the bank to arrange two transfers to move the available sums to other secure accounts. She added that “she didn’t say anything about the hacking to the bank employee, because the hacker is inside the bank”. Thus 22 thousand euros disappear, which when the woman realizes the scam are no longer traceable or recoverable. In short, pay maximum attention to this type of dynamics.


The Pug instead it remains in the electoral sphere, with an interview with the great defeat of these administrative elections: Carpi Futura which, having collapsed from 11 to 4 percent, does not send even a representative to the city council. “There were about thirty votes missing to elect at least one councilor – he says Anna Colli, president of Carpi Futura out of the board despite the 361 preferences collected -. We paid for the choice of those, even former Carpi Futura, who preferred to polarize the comparison. In the majority there will be practically only the Democratic Party, while polarization has increased on the right. In short, we will witness ideological discussions right against left that are useless for the city.” But, Colli assures, Carpi Futura will resist even outside the city council.


The second Carpi page of the Gazzetta hosts the already circulated news of the appreciation of the families of the Terre d’Argine for the nursery school service and summer centers for baby groups; of the papillomavirus awareness day; of the official proclamation of Caterina Bagni as mayor of Soliera; and, on a low note, the declarations of Federica Carletti of Fratelli d’Italia, who with her 591 preferences was the absolute most voted candidate in the municipal elections: “It was a big surprise for me too, but I have been in the party for many years and being faithful to a line pays off” , says Carletti. Shoulder on Pug finally, the “Voice Festival” at the Casa del Volontariato, with the soprano Serena Daolio who taught about forty people from seven different associations to sing.

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