the grandfather “acquired” La Nuova Sardegna is under accusation

Sassari At the age of 11 – when she had perhaps become more aware of the changes in her body or had simply grown up and become more mature – she decided to confide in her aunt, her mother’s sister. And he had told her what happened at her grandmother’s house when her parents – for work reasons or other commitments – entrusted her to her.

A detailed account of what this 35-year-old man had led her to believe was alone “a game”. And she, who at the time of the events (2021) was only eight years old, believed it. She wasn’t aware of what those approaches were and, above all, she trusted that person, after all he was the partner of her grandmother…

At the end of the investigations, which began after the aunt had reported to the girl’s parents the confidences received from her niece – and after the complaint that arose from it – the man was asked to be sent to trial and a few days ago he appeared before the preliminary hearing judge Giuseppe Grotteriatogether with his defense lawyer Maurizio Serra (who will almost certainly opt for an abbreviated procedure). The little girl and her mother instead joined the lawyers as civil parties Mario Pittalis And Michele Falzoi. The 35-year-old is called to answer for the charge of sexual violence with the aggravating circumstance of having abused the conditions of physical or psychological inferiority of the offended person and of corruption of a minor (article 609 quinquies of the penal code) aggravated by having shown child pornography material to the child . It would be a video that the man would have shown to the offended person “in order to induce him – writes the Prosecutor – to perform or undergo sexual acts”.

The facts that ended up in the investigation file date back to 2021, when the girl was 8 years old, and would have continued until May last year, when she was 11. The 35-year-old is accused of abusing the minor, taking advantage of her very young age and the trust that the little girl placed in him, as the companion of her paternal grandmother (40 years old). A family member, therefore, with whom the little girl should have felt calm and protected.

The disputed episodes allegedly occurred at her grandmother’s house, a place that the little girl frequented assiduously, often remaining alone in the man’s company. According to the prosecution, the accused, given his constant presence and the bond he had built, had managed to establish a confidential relationship with the child, making her perceive that his behavior was to be considered as “a game” and therefore “inducing her to suffer he made his first approaches when he was only 8 years old.”

Approaches that would soon become real sexual violence that would be repeated numerous times until the little girl told her aunt everything. During the delicate investigation the minor was interviewed at the headquarters evidentiary incident by the investigating judge and medical-biological assessments useful to ascertain the facts were also carried out. At the request of the civil party’s lawyers, documentary productions were also acquired relating to the transcription of some telephone messages that the accused exchanged with the girl’s father.

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