Maintenance in via Sylos and Aspromonte in Palombaio, the administration’s response –

We have received and published in full the administration’s statement regarding the question by councilor Arcangelo Putignano:

“The question, provocation formulated by the councilor Archangel Putignano, probably due to the post-election atmosphere, deserves a clear and clear response from theTOadministration also to reassure the citizens of the Palombaio district regarding the commitments undertaken by the itself for the works completed and those to be done.

This TOadministration, Indeed, has focused strongly from the beginning on the outskirts of this city, precisely for reverse the wrong narrative of socially depressed areas, including hamlets, which only provoke the distancing of young people from their lands of origin.

We are aware that it is necessary for some to mark the ground on which to impact purely for purposes electoral, but it must be clear that this TOadministration works for the common good of the citizens of Bitonto, Palombaio and Mariottor and not for a partial part of them.

The hamlet of Palombaio, in recent years, has been the protagonist of a series of interventions whose costs, in relation to the number of inhabitants of the hamlet, are even greater than all the interventions carried out in the territory of Mariotto and Bitonto.

We mention just a few for summary and clarity.

Only in the last two yearsas promised, yes are brought to completion the works they involved the municipal pitch, complete with services and changing rooms, That Today allow our kids to use a new space sporty and further location of aggregation.

The regional plan “Strada per strada”, associated with ministerial funds, guaranteed the construction of asphalt for approximately ten streets which had required renovation work for some time.

Constant ordinary and extraordinary maintenance interventions were carried out on the school buildings, including seismic vulnerability checks to protect our young students and the teaching and administrative staff, on the buildings in via Sylos and via Aspromonte.

The grass mowing service, in agreement with the SANB, is guaranteed from May 1st, with periodic interventions in different areas of the hamlet. The same service will be guaranteed in the next few days, as scheduled.

On the social services and personal care side, There has activatedthe with excellent results, just ask the citizens who enthusiastically participated and they took advantage of the initiatives foreseen in project “In.with.Between”financed by the administration with an expense of 50 thousand euros and what he proposed sporting and youth aggregation activities (and not)aimed at social cohesion e to the rediscovery of that sense of community that has been worked on since the 2022 electoral campaign. A tangible sign, and concrete, of that inversion of narrative which wants to consider suburbs and hamlets at the center of its administrative activity.

Work was recently carried out on the cemetery of the hamlet with the construction of the office and toilets which required timely maintenance. AND the expansion of the cemetery itself is also expected in the short term. Without forgetting the cultural events heldwhich recorded widespread participation from palmarist community.

This is just a brief summary. The council question, for completeness, will be discussed, on its merits, in the only competent institutional body, the City Council, hoping that this practice of sending them to the press, even before the competent subjects of the administration, will be put to an end, in order to collect some “likes”.

We are aware that the much that has been done does not yet correspond to everything that will be achieved. Other interventions are already planned, for the community of Palombaio, in “Pthree-year plan for public works approved by the City Council.

He would say Lorenzo the Magnificent “Let anyone who wants to say something bad say, we WILL DO and you will say”.

We will limit ourselves to working for the good of the community of Bitonto, Palombaio and Mariotto, as we haveor done from the beginning.”

Wednesday 12 June 2024


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