hiring of Administrative Assistant. The warning

hiring of Administrative Assistant. The warning
hiring of Administrative Assistant. The warning

L’The Local Health Authority of Matera has announced a public notice for the selection of Administrative Assistant.

In execution of company resolution no. 455 of 05/15/2024, is announced public selection notice, by qualifications only, for any fixed-term hiring of Administrative Assistants -–– Assistants Area.

Those who, at the expiry date of the deadline established by this notice for submitting the application, are in possession of the admission requirements listed below:

The candidate must have the following general requirements:

1. Italian citizenship, without prejudice to the equivalences established by the laws in force, or citizenship of one of the European Union countries in compliance with Prime Ministerial Decree no. 174/1994, as well as:

– for family members of citizens of one of the European Union countries, ownership of the right of residence or the right of permanent residence (art. 38, paragraph 1, Legislative Decree no. 165/2001);

– for citizens of countries outside the European Union, possession of the EC residence permit for long-term residents (art. 38, paragraph 3-bis, Legislative Decree no. 165/2001) or possession of the status of “refugee ” or “subsidiary protection” (art. 25 legislative decree no. 251/2007 and art. 38, paragraph 3-bis, legislative decree no. 165/2001).

They are considered family members, according to Community Directive no. 2004/28/EC, the migrant’s spouse, dependent direct descendants under the age of 21 and those of the spouse, dependent direct ascendants and those of the spouse;

2. possession of full physical suitability for the position to be filled, without any limitation.

The assessment of suitability for the specific job will be carried out by the Company before being put into service.

For the purposes of participation in the notice, it is required possession of the following qualification:


The qualification must be obtained at the end of a five-year study cycle and allow access to university. Where, based on the relevant school system, any additional years or exams are necessary to allow access to university studies, the candidate must be in possession of them on the application deadline.

For further information, consult the complete announcement on the website asmbasilicata.it.

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