the samples of preferences, who enters and who does not. New faces and great losers, there are those who leave after twenty years

the samples of preferences, who enters and who does not. New faces and great losers, there are those who leave after twenty years
the samples of preferences, who enters and who does not. New faces and great losers, there are those who leave after twenty years

Yesterday’s elections in Florence held several surprises. In the end, for the administrative elections, 185 thousand 954 Florentines voted, 64.4 percent of the over 288 thousand eligible voters. For the new mayor, or the new one, we will have to wait for the run-off on June 23 and 24, between Funaro and Schmidt. 36 city councilors will enter Palazzo Vecchio and the ballot will be decisive: the winner’s coalition will take home 60% of the seats.

At the moment it is therefore impossible to define with certainty who will be elected, but many indications – based on the personal preferences reached on the ballots and the percentages from the individual lists – can already be given.


Let’s start with the centre-left coalition, which brings Sara Funaro 43.17% of the vote. If Funaro were to win, 16 city councilors could go to the Democratic Party (30.04%): the most voted in the Dem is Letizia Perini, outgoing councilor, who in a hypothetical Funaro council would be in the odor of councilorship. He finished the campaign in the sixth month of pregnancy (his partner is the former Northern League member Emanuele Cocollini, president of the Florentine Italy-Israel association), niece of the president of district 3, Serena, and daughter of the president of Publiacqua Nicola. He received 1,199 preferences. Very far, it must be said, from the ‘record woman’ of Dem preferences in 2019: then it was Cecilia Del Re, with 2,697.

In second place, among the dems, Jacopo Neighborsvery close, it’s not just a play on words, to Nardella, with 961. Then excellent result for Laura Sparavignaoutgoing councilor, who improves by over one hundred and reaches 886. Followed by safety councilor Benedetta Albanian (819), the outgoing president of the city council Luca Milani (812), the outgoing sports councilor Cosimo Guccione (778), Fabius Giorgetti (746), the former senator Caterina Biti (724, a return is looming for the former president of the city council during Renzi’s time), and so on all the others.

Still in the centre-left, three councilors could go – in case of victory – to Funaro’s civic list (6.16%): in this case Michela would enter Monk (433 preferences), Marco Simple (296) and Marzio Die, director of services for the Caritas Florence Foundation. Curiosity, the first five years ago he joined the council with Salvini’s League, and then recently joined the Democratic Party. The second has a past in Forza Italia.

Then there is the good performance of Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, which obtained 5.4%: they too should have three councillors. But here we must underline the extraordinary result of Ecolò’s political-ecological association: it is from here that the two councilors will arrive – again in the event of Funaro’s victory. It’s Catherine Archpriestwhich collects the stratospheric result (also considering the overall value of the list) of 622 preferences, and Giovanni Graziani with 535. The city coordinator of the Italian Left Vincenzo Pizzolo is only third (342), but should still enter.

Worth noting: in all likelihood, given Saccardi’s poor result, at Italia Viva quota (7.29 percent, they were hoping for at least 12-13), the centre-left coalition led by the Democratic Party will not make any official alliance with the Renzians (and with any other): also because, otherwise, he would have to share, in the event of victory, the seats belonging to the coalition with them too.


The coalition that supports Schmidt, definitive data, is at 32.86 percent, more than ten points below Funaro. Fratelli d’Italia has 13.15% and could have – if the turnaround called for by Schmidt fails – four councilors: the internal head-to-head is won by a single vote by Angela Sirello (1,126 preferences), followed by the outgoing group leader Alessandro Dragons (1.125). Then Matteo Chelli (1.010) and John Gandolfo (807). The notary Alessia Galdo (507) is fifth and remains out. The former CasaPound Christian Caglieri makes 106 preferences.

The civic list Eike Schmidt Mayor did well, reaching 9.58%. It could have three councilors: the former mayor of Signa and former PD regional councilor Paolo Bambagioni (612 preferences), followed by Massimo Sabatini (316) and Leonardo Focardi (178).

The League does not go beyond 5.06% and could have only one councilor (in 2019 it brought six councilors to the Salone dei Dugento): Mossuto Guglielmo with 578 preferences, which doubles Giovanni Galli (272). It should be noted that the outgoing group leader, Federico Bussolin, an iron-clad Salvinian, only takes 204 and will not enter. Alessio Di Giulio, convicted of inciting racial hatred, stops at 86 preferences. In Forza Italia (4.23%) there is an even more excellent farewell, so to speak: after twenty years in the city council Mario Razzanelli (190 preferences) will not be there (but his son Giulio is already in District 3). In his place, Alberto Locchi (290).

The others

‘At the center with Saccardi’, led by the Renzian vice-president of the Region, Stefania, stops, as mentioned, at just over 7%. You will probably have two councilors: you will give up to stay in the Region and then the outgoing mayor of Bagno a Ripoli Francesco will enter Palazzo Vecchio Casiniat Italia Viva quota (1,500 preferences, he is the record holder of this round) and the Florentine coordinator of Iv Francesco Grazzini (928). The two outgoing Renzian councilors will not return, far behind: Mimma Dardano and Barbara Felleca, who five years ago joined, respectively, Lista Nardella and Pd.

Cecilia’s Democratic Florence King’s (6.21%) should have two seats (but it is not certain, perhaps it will only be one): one for the former councilor and, at stake, one for Professor Marco Tognetti, also supported by Tomaso Montanari, who reaches 563 preferences. Left Project Municipality of Dmitry Palagi (5.45%) should have only one councillor, himself, who was the candidate for mayor. Antonella Bundu (691 preferences) will most likely not return to the council. Finally the 5 Star Movement: the mayoral candidate Lorenzo Masi he only gets 3.35% and he will be the only five-star member in the council. The outgoing group leader Roberto De Blasi (181) remains out. Now it’s time for the ballot.

The surprise of the ballots between the dem and the left

The regional vote

Elections suspended in Signa

Who won in the Districts

Who has more preferences in Florence and who remains outside

Funaro leads by 10 points: door to door to win the run-off

The list of new mayors in the province of Florence

European elections: what the municipalities of the province of Florence voted for

The candidate with zero votes

Nardella flies to Europe, Renzi does not

European elections: duel between FdI and Pd

Renzi out of Europe

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