FIAB, choice of Trani for the cycle rally

To promote cycling tourism they return in this month of June and, in particular, on the weekend of 15-16 National Cycle Tourism Days promoted by FIAB (Italian Environment and Bicycle Federation) together with ActiveItaly, the network of companies committed to the development of active and sustainable tourism.

This year the Fiab Coordination Puglia and Basilicata has chosen the city of Trani as the base of the cycle rally which is held annually: from 14 to 16 June, in fact, the participants will cycle for over 200 km along the itineraries which from the Adriatica cycle path allow them to connect the neighboring inland towns as well as tourist attractions and reach other cycle routes/itineraries of national, regional or municipal interest such as the Acquedotto cycle route, the Ofanto cycle route, the UNESCO sites cycle route, the Appia Traiana, the Trifora cycle route.

In the three days it will be possible to visit Castel del Monte, the Cathedral of Ruvo di Puglia, the Caves of San Cleto (Ruvo di Puglia), Dolmen la Chianca di Bisceglie, our Cathedral (Trani) and the archaeological site of Canne della Battaglia.

Cycling tourism brings great benefits to the health of people and communities and promotes sustainable lifestyles and mobility that is attentive to the environment, as also underlined by the “manifesto” of the National Cycle Tourism Days. This is a constantly growing sector with record numbers in 2023: 56.8 million presences of cycle tourists in Italy according to the Viaggiare con la bici 2024 survey by Isnart-Legambiente (+ 4% compared to 2019) with an economic impact direct estimated at over 5.5 billion euros (+35% on 2022 and +19% on 2019, the year that represented the peak of Italian tourism in the last decade).

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