Modena weather, the forecast for tomorrow Thursday 13 June

The weather forecast for Thursday 13 June in Modena show an alternation of atmospheric conditions throughout the day. In the morning, cloudy skies are expected with light rain, while in the afternoon the precipitation will tend to decrease and the clouds will thin out.

During the morningstarting from 06:00the sky will be overcast with cloud cover around the 96%. Temperatures will hover around +14.9°C, with a slightly lower perception. The wind will blow from the North West at a speed of 5.3km/h, with light gusts. Humidity will be high, around89%.

In the afternoonstarting from 1:00 pmthe sky will remain overcast at 100% with temperatures rising to +16.5°C. The wind coming from the North – North East will be moderate, with a speed of 6.3km/h. Humidity will remain high around85%.

In the eveningstarting from 6pmthe clouds will thin out bringing cloud cover around the 71%. Temperatures will remain around +17.8°C with a slightly lower perception. The wind coming from the North East will be light, with a speed of 5.1km/h. Humidity will increase to80%.

In conclusion, the weather forecast for Thursday 13 June in Modena they indicate a rainy start to the day with overcast skies, followed by an improvement in atmospheric conditions during the day with a decrease in precipitation and partial clearing in the afternoon. Humidity will remain high throughout the day, while temperatures will remain cool. It is advisable to pay attention to changes in the weather and dress appropriately for the day.

All the weather data for Thursday 13 June in Modena

Complete weather forecast for Modena

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