Municipal elections in Castellammare, Luigi Vicinanza elected: here is the new municipal council

Municipal elections in Castellammare, Luigi Vicinanza elected: here is the new municipal council
Municipal elections in Castellammare, Luigi Vicinanza elected: here is the new municipal council

Municipal elections in Castellammare, Luigi Vicinanza elected: here is the new municipal council
Luigi Vicinanza he triumphed with the 65.7% of preferences, totalizing 22,454 votes and ensuring 16 city councilors. In the opposition, Mario D’Apuzzo he collected the 34.3% of votes, equal to 11,722 preferencesobtaining 7 councilors.

The Democratic partywith the 12.14% of consensus e 4,093 voteswill be the largest group in the new municipal council of Palazzo Farnese, electing 4 councilors. The list Democratic and Reformist Futurewho obtained the‘8.4% of votes with 2,831 preferenceswins 3 seats. Two seats go to list of the mayor Vicinanzawhich he received 2,586 votesequal to 7.67%. United for Stabia (5.31% – 1,791 votes), Our Castellammare (4.97% – 1,674 votes), Five Stars movement (4.92% – 1,657 votes), We for Stabia (4.82% – 1,623 votes), Democratic and Progressive Popular Base (4.1% – 1,229 votes) e Action (3.36% – 1,133 votes) get each a seat. The lists Greens and Left Alliance (2.28% – 769 votes), Being Stabia (2.27% – 764 votes), Only for Castellammare (1.83% – 617 votes) e FOR (0.49% – 164 votes) are unable to enter the council.

Among the ranks of the opposition, in addition to Mario D’Apuzzo, they sit two representatives of Forza Italia (6.93% – 2,337 votes), one councilor each for Stabia Unica (5.9% – 1,987 votes), Mario D’Apuzzo Mayor (5.79% – 1,953 votes), Stabia in the Center (3.71% – 1,250 votes), Stabia project (3.38% – 1,138 votes) e Italia Viva (3.14% – 1,060 votes). They remain without representation Brothers of Italy (2.64% – 829 votes), Castellammare d’Amare (1.98% – 667 votes), No to the underpass (0.31% – 104 votes) e Go Stabia (0.2% – 68 votes).

Below are the new city councilors who are:


  • Democratic Party (4 councillors): Roberto Elefante (989 votes), Sandro Ruotolo (742 votes), Giusy Amato (594 votes) and Giovanni Tuberosa (455 votes).
  • Democratic and Reformist Future (3 councilors): Rachele Iovino (1,056 votes), Nello Cuomo (867 votes), Teresa D’Angelo (820 votes).
  • With the City – Proximity to the Mayor (2 councillors): Luigi Fiorenza (506 votes), Domenico Cioffi (443 votes).
  • United for Stabia: Giovanni Nastelli (863 votes).
  • Our Castellammare: Ciro Cascone (510 votes).
  • Democratic and Progressive Popular Base: Maurizio Apuzzo (383 votes).
  • We for Stabia: Nino Di Maio (606 votes).
  • Stabia Rise: Gennaro Oscurato (383 votes).
  • Action: Vincenzo Ungaro (771 votes).
  • Five Stars movement: Alessandro Langellotti (221 votes).


  • Mario D’Apuzzo (mayoral candidate)
  • Forza Italia (2 councilors): Antonio Cimmino (463 votes), Nicola De Filippo (439 votes).
  • Stabia Unica: Antonio Federico (600 votes).
  • Mario D’Apuzzo Mayor: Rosanna De Simone (388 votes).
  • Stabia Project: Pasquale D’Apice (702 votes).
  • Stabia in the Center: Antonio Alfano (651 votes).
  • Italia Viva: Teresa Cesarano (285 votes).
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