Abbanoa. New pipelines between viale Aldo Moro and via De Sica. This is where the water will be lacking

Abbanoa. New pipelines between viale Aldo Moro and via De Sica. This is where the water will be lacking
Abbanoa. New pipelines between viale Aldo Moro and via De Sica. This is where the water will be lacking

Olbia. As part of the water efficiency works that Abbanoa has started in Olbia tomorrow Wednesday 12 Juneits technicians will proceed with the commissioning of the new behaviors made between viale Aldo Moro and via De Sica and to the contextual disconnection of old pipes. During this phase of work it will be necessary close the supply between 8:00 and 12:00 in via De Sica, viale Aldo Moro, via Galvani, via Veronese, via Sangallo and cross streets. Therefore, drops in pressure and temporary interruptions could occur.

“Abbanoa is investing in the new interventions to redevelop the water networks in the town of Olbia financed through the European Fund for Development and Cohesion “FSC” – we read in the note from the water manager -. These investments are part of the package of interventions approved by the Board of Directors led by the president Franco Pigaintended for various centers on the island to improve the efficiency of water networks.

In recent years the city of Olbia has already been affected by numerous construction sites which involved the replacement of sections of the network subject to frequent breakages and the disposal of pipelines made of various materials with modern ductile iron pipes: material that guarantees the best seal. The ongoing interventions concern further works aimed at increasing the hydraulic, energy and management efficiency of the water distribution networks”.

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