Ancona, an illegally occupied house becomes a drug dealing site

Ancona, an illegally occupied house becomes a drug dealing site. There is now a serious problem with drug dealing activities. Unfortunately, every day we hear many cases that cause alarm for the general security of the country. Let’s see what happened in Ancona:

In Ancona, a 32-year-old man of Moroccan origins appears to have been arrested for having occupied a house illegally and for having carried out a drug dealing activity within it. It would have been the owner of the house who reported it. Here is some more information on the case:

Ancona, house illegally occupied for drug dealing purposes: here are all the details of the case

According to initial reconstructions of the case, it seems that on Saturday morning the police arrested a 32-year-old man of Moroccan origins. The arrest would have been made for the charge of possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing, as well as for resisting a public official. The story appears to have started from a woman who filed a complaint. In particular, it seems that the latter declared the abusive presence of a man inside a house. The house in question appears to be owned by the lady.

Based on the information found, the man would have entered the house a few weeks earlier. During those days it seems that he started a coming and going of rather suspicious people, who went to the place at any time. Following the complaint, it seems that two police patrols went to the scene to verify what the woman said. The intervention of the agents appears to have also been fundamental in allowing the lady to recover the property. Once they entered the house, the officers appear to have immediately found the 32-year-old in a state of total chaos. It seems that upon seeing the police, the man attempted to escape through the window.

Once the man was stopped, the police also recovered 2 socks with approximately 15 grams of cocaine inside. The search of the apartment, however, revealed two precision scales for cocaine and 1700 euros in cash. The latter appear to have been deemed related to the illicit activity. The 32-year-old was apparently taken to the police station, where his international protection status appears to have been ascertained. The officers appear to have also discovered criminal records, such as a burglary in a house in 2020. The Police Headquarters appears to have proceeded with the revocation of international protection. Therefore, you should proceed with expulsion from the country.

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