Europeans, what is happening now in Emilia-Romagna and Marche: questions and answers

Europeans, what is happening now in Emilia-Romagna and Marche: questions and answers
Europeans, what is happening now in Emilia-Romagna and Marche: questions and answers

Bologna, 10 June 20224 – What is happening now in Emilia-Romagna and Marche? Who goes up and who goes down? Who travels with the wind at their back and who, on the other hand, suffers sudden braking? We try to answer your questions after a result which, in fact, consolidates the Pd and the Brothers of Italy, polarizing the political debate.

Bonaccini resigns?

The governor Stefano Bonaccini, record holder of preferences in the north-eastern constituency with almost 400 thousand citizens in his support, he will resign from the leadership of the Emilia-Romagna Region. The first session of the European Parliament is scheduled for July 16th, so the farewell to Viale Aldo Moro should arrive around July 10th.

What happens after the resignation in Emilia-Romagna?

The vice president will reign in Emilia-Romagna Irene Priolo for a transition period. It will be up to the Court of Appeal to call the date of the new elections and the feeling is that they will try to go to the polls as soon as possible, probably already at the end of October, beginning of November. This is provided that the Government, with the Ministry of the Interior, does not decide otherwise, but at the moment the vote in January 2025, the natural expiry of Stefano Bonaccini’s mandate, appears unlikely.

Who goes to Emilia-Romagna?

More than promoted Stefano Bonaccini, excellent result in the Democratic Party for the outgoing MEP Elisabetta Gualmini which seals the encore. Self Alessandro Zan will be elected in the north-western constituency, his place will be taken by Annalisa Corradoclose to Elly Schlein and a welcome candidate for the Bolognese Democratic Party secretariat and beyond. Corrado, however, at the moment, is fifth and first of the non-elected (the Democratic Party should elect 4 MEPs, Bonaccini, Zan, Moretti and Gualmini). Very good, in Fratelli d’Italia, Stefano Cavedagna: historic result, for the first time the region has a right-wing MEP, at 34 years old ‘Cavez’ flies to Brussels second only to Giorgia Meloni and Elena Donazzan. Watch out Piergiacomo Sibiano: Piga’, candidate from the Catholic area of ​​FdI, could enter if six are elected. Sabrina Pignedoli it is the most voted among the 5 Stars.

Who comes to Emilia-Romagna?

Besides Corrado, they didn’t make it in the Democratic Party Giuditta Pini And Antonio Mumolo. The outgoing one was bad Alessandra Basso of the League and Federico Pizzarotti in action. It doesn’t pass but gets 30 thousand preferences Michele Santoro.

Who goes to the Marche?

Matteo Ricci third in the constituency surpasses the former PD secretary Nicola Zingaretti. In the Marche alone Ricci obtained almost 52 thousand of his 84 thousand preferences: the number one Pd, Elly Schlein, ran in the same constituency and in the Marche she obtained 15 thousand votes. In Brothers of Italy Carlo Ciccioli it is the fourth most voted. The Marche region has not elected an MEP for twenty years.

Who goes to the Marche?

Despite 16 thousand preferences she was not elected Alessia Morani (PD). He can’t even do it Graziella Ciriaci (Forza Italia) despite a good haul of ballots.

Will Ricci challenge Acquaroli at the next Regionals?

It’s the question everyone is asking and the election result launches both politicians as strong men of the two sides. Ricci will certainly go to Brussels, but he remains the favorite candidate to challenge the outgoing President of the Region, who in the meantime is enjoying a great result from FdI also in his Potenza Picena.

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