Sebastiano Milan arrives – iVolley Magazine

Sebastiano Milan arrives – iVolley Magazine
Sebastiano Milan arrives – iVolley Magazine

Joy Volley Gioia del Colle has achieved another important market operation in view of the next A3 series championship: it is the hiring of Sebastiano Milan is official.
Fresh from the final playoff series for promotion to the Super League with Emma Villas Siena (lost 2-0 against Yuasa Battery Grottazzolina), the strong spiker from Veneto, born in 1995, embraces the ambitious sporting project of the Apulian club and thus decides to return to the third national category after the wonderful experience in Pineto in the 2022/2023 season, crowned by the victories of the Del Monte® Coppa Italia A3, the award for best player of the competition and, finally, the Del Monte® Supercoppa Italiana A3.

Trained in the Sisley Treviso cantera under the guidance of coach Alberto Tosatto, before his big leap to Serie A Sebastiano wore the Club Italia shirt for two consecutive seasons (2012/2013 and 2013/2014), thus continuing his growth path with the coach Mario Barbiero in the B2 and B1 championships.
In the summer of 2014 the doors of the SuperLega opened wide for him, where he defended the colors of Kioene Padova for three years and those of Cucine Lube Civitanova in the 2017/2018 season.
The subsequent experiences in Brescia, Siena and Lagonegro in A2, interspersed with the return to Padova in SuperLega and the splendid year in Pineto in A3, complete his brilliant career, further enriched by the medals won in the national team: bronze at the U21 world championships in 2013, bronze at the U23 World Championships in 2015, gold at the Mediterranean Games in 2018 and gold at the Universiade in 2019.

«I am happy to arrive in a city like Gioia del Colle which has always had a great passion for volleyball – the first words of Sebastiano Milan -. From the first stages of the negotiation, I perceived the great enthusiasm and strong ambition of the president Gianni D’Elia and the coach Sandro Passaro. Their positive energy pushed me to accept this new challenge in a high-level championship like the A3 series which, as the years pass, is becoming more and more exciting and competitive – he continues -. I can’t wait to start this new adventure. The company is shaping a roster with great individuality. It will be up to us to become a strong team, working hard and putting in maximum effort from the first day of preparation – he concludes -. We will have to be humble in victories, united and compact especially in case of defeats. With this attitude and the right patience, we will be able to aspire to important goals in such a long season.”

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