In Lombardy FdI makes a leap, Lega remains the third party

In Lombardy FdI makes a leap, Lega remains the third party
In Lombardy FdI makes a leap, Lega remains the third party

MILAN, 10 JUNE – Voters down by almost ten points in the region even if Lombardy remains above the national average: from 64.10 in 2019 to 55.29 with Milan at 52.9, which means that one voter out of two. Percentage above 60% (60.19%) only in Brescia, just below Bergamo (59.66) where there was also a vote for the mayor. Compared to the previous European elections, the League dropped from 43.38 to 13.09, losing over 1 million and 500 thousand voters from 2,107,080 to 549,832. But it avoids, at least in Lombardy, overtaking Forza Italia which gains on 2019 but stops at 390,919 preferences with 9.31. FdI above the national figure with 31.79 (1,334,746 Lombards voted for the prime minister’s party) makes a leap compared to the 5.53 of the previous European elections but gains compared to the policies. Slight drop in the Democratic Party from 23.09 to 22.53. The M5S also lost almost half of its votes, which in Lombardy has never had results in line with the national figure, but now collapses from 9.34 to 5.67. Here too the Greens and Left Alliance confirms the good national figure with 284,753 votes equal to 6.78. In 2019 the two divided parties did not reach 4% overall. The result of Action was good with Calenda who in Lombardy would have won the ticket for Strasbourg with 4.02 while Bonino-Renzi stopped at 3.73.

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