European Championships in Corigliano-Rossano. Exploit of the M5s (28.7%), Forza Italia collapses below 10%

The wind of dissent is blowing again in the third largest city in Calabria. The 5 Star Movement in Corigliano-Rossano, led by leader Pasquale Tridico, even comes close to the 30% wall in the European elections, reaching 28.70% and places itself behind Fratelli d’Italia, which is the second party, by more than 7 percentage points. From the data provided by the Eligendo portal, it emerges that it was an almost unequal struggle between Conte’s party and the rest of the constellation of parties. And it is also a very clear signal for the municipal elections, where the M5s supported Flavio Stasi. Also because even Renzi’s party overtook Forza Italia, the reference party of mayoral candidate Pasqualina Straface, which sank to fourth place no less than 10% (9.79%). To understand how badly Forza Italia went, it is enough to say that the Democratic Party – which in these parts is a fallen house – almost did better… having obtained 9.31%… Even more disheartening signs for Straface.

Returning to the primacy of the M5s, it must be said that this result has nothing to do with what were the policies of six years ago nor the European elections of 5 years ago (at the time in Co-Ro the Movement collected over 12 thousand votes) but the result is certainly a fort for the movementists.

Previous articleEuropean Championships in Vibo. Brothers of Italy at 23%, the Democratic Party surpasses Forza Italia (which flops)

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