The European Championships in Umbria. Fdi first party, Pd follows: Ap flop. It will almost certainly be torn apart, Laureti hopes

The European Championships in Umbria. Fdi first party, Pd follows: Ap flop. It will almost certainly be torn apart, Laureti hopes
The European Championships in Umbria. Fdi first party, Pd follows: Ap flop. It will almost certainly be torn apart, Laureti hopes

PERUGIA – Very few sections are missing for the final result for the European elections in Umbria.

According to data processed by the Ministry of the Interior, Fratelli d’Italia is the party with the most votes from Umbrians with 125,114 votes equal to 32.62%. The Democratic Party follows, chosen by 101,021 (26.35%) voters on a regional scale. This is followed by the 5 Star Movement (33,904, or 8.84%), Forza Italia (32,042-8.36%), Lega (26,232-6.84%), Alleanza Verdi Sinistra (21,929-5.72%), Stati United States of Europe (11,737-3.06%), Action (9,763-2.55%). Flop for Stefano Bandecchi’s Alternativa Popolo, only tenth out of 12 lists at regional level with 7,162 votes which correspond to 1.87% with the maximum peak reached in Terni city: 3,606 votes, 9.48% (in the province it drops to 5, 39%, 4,837 votes). The picture is completed by Peace, Earth Dignity (Michele Santoro’s list manages to overtake the AP with 9,219 votes and 2.36%), Sovereign Popular Democracy (3,087-0.79%) and Freedom (2,443-0.63).


Two are hoping to land in Strasbourg. The president of the Regional Council and Fdi candidate in Umbria, Marco Squarta, when there are still almost 2 thousand sections missing on a constituency basis, is currently in third place on the list with 45,371 preferences behind Prime Minister Meloni and the head of the Eurochamber delegation, Nicola Procaccini. Camilla Laureti could also make it: the outgoing Democratic Party MEP is currently in fifth place with 40,298 personal votes. Far from the top positions in the Forza Italia list, the other Umbrian representative in the continental parliament, Francesca Peppucci, stops at the fifth step with 7,873 preferences. Nothing to do also for the Northern League members Valeria Alessandrini (3,022) and Antonio Tacconi (1,804). They also say goodbye to election dreams for the candidates of the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, Francesca Arca (2,563) and Pierluigi Vossi (1,860); Valentina Pococacio of the 5 Star Movement (2,779); Manuela Albertella of United States of Europe (490); Paola Pincardini (1,244) and Cristian Brutti (802) from Bandecchia; and Ali Rashid of Pace Terra Dignità (3,099).

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