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Separated fathers, the Codici association writes to Minister Roccella

Separated fathers, the Codici association writes to Minister Roccella
Separated fathers, the Codici association writes to Minister Roccella

The Codici Association returns to talk about the difficult situation that separated fathers experience in Italy and does so by appealing to Minister Roccella. A touching letter is the one written by a separated father from Reggio Calabria and published by the media. A story that has struck many people and which reiterates a theme that the Codes Association has been insisting on for some time, namely the often very heavy consequences of judges’ decisions. Not only. It is also yet another testimony to an extremely delicate issue, to which the association draws the attention of the Minister for the Family, Birthrate and Equal Opportunities, Eugenia Roccella.

In the letter the father addresses his daughter, who is unable to see due to impediments that do not depend on her will. She says that she lives far away, but, nevertheless, every month she takes the plane to be able to hug her again. Sometimes, however, meetings are canceled at the last moment with the most disparate excuses. It is easy to understand the little girl’s state of mind, who feels betrayed by a father who, instead, has no responsibilities, who rather awaits communications with the day in which he can see his little one again, in addition to those, in this case always punctually, with payment requests.

“We decided to bring this story to the attention of Minister Roccella – explains Ivano Giacomelli, National Secretary of Codes – because we believe it is our duty to raise the Government’s awareness of an issue which, in our opinion, does not receive the attention it deserves. There are more and more separated fathers in difficulty. They occupy a considerable part of the so-called ‘new poor’, they crowd the ranks of Caritas, they end up on TV or in newspapers when they are forced to sleep in their car as they don’t have the money to afford rent, as their savings are all absorbed by the allowance maintenance. They are dramatic stories, more common than one might imagine and we think that the Government needs to become aware of this reality which we could define as submerged due to how little it is known. Now separated fathers are reduced to an ATM. This also happens due to the actions of the judges, who with their provisions in many cases allow the separation of children from their father. These are one-way decisions, addressed only to the mother without taking into account the affections of the minor and the father, and the economic situation. We wanted to share the touching letter from the father of Reggio Calabria because we believe it is a story that deserves attention. We also decided to send a letter to Minister Roccella to raise awareness among the Government on this issue. That of separated fathers is a dramatic reality, which cannot be ignored and which deserves particular attention to provide all the necessary tools to help those who suffer because they are forced to live in a very difficult condition both on a psychological and economic level”.

The Codici association has been engaged for years in assistance activities aimed at separated fathers in difficulty. For information and support you can call 065571996 or write to [email protected].

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