Pordenone weather, the forecast for tomorrow Monday 10 June


The forecast for Monday 10 June a Pordenone Unstable conditions are expected with intermittent rain throughout the day. Cloud cover will be very high, with humidity consistently above 80%. Maximum temperatures will be around 24-25°C during the afternoon, while nighttime lows will be around 18-20°C.

In the first part of the day, starting from morningwe expect light rain with cloud cover around 40-50%. The wind speed will be moderate, coming mainly from the North East. Precipitation could reach 2mm.

In the afternoonthe meteorological situation will not undergo significant changes, with moderate rainfall and cloud cover that will remain around 50%. Temperatures will remain stable, with winds that may intensify slightly.

In the evening, rain will continue to affect the area with cloud cover reaching 100%. Temperatures will tend to decrease slightly, with values ​​around 19-20°C. The wind could increase in intensity, with gusts that could exceed 25km/h.

In conclusion, Monday 10 June a Pordenone it will be characterized by an unstable climate with intermittent rain and constant cloud cover. We recommend that you pay attention to weather updates and take the necessary precautions when traveling or doing outdoor activities. For the next few days, weather conditions are likely to remain similar, with clearing possible only towards the end of the week.

All the weather data for Monday 10 June in Pordenone

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